Hi BS, I’ve only read this today, and I know very little about Dali, other than my musician, author and critic cousin uses them.
Nobody seems to have answered your op about the specs. All I’d say is that the frequency ranges tell you almost nothing, except the bigger models go a a few Hz deeper. The sensitivity would make a big difference if you were switching between you current model and the one that’s over 90db. That would be as loud with a valve or class A amp as your current ones with your Yamaha.
I recall you recently saying you can’t ever imagine wanting a different amp. This seems to have shown both that your Yamaha is very good, and that a different amp may give a different presentation. (I’d certainly forget the RS demo, as it was probably not ideal).
My own view is don’t be wedded to Dali, good as they doubtless are. I was wedded to Sonus faber, and would gladly have them again one day. But listening with an open mind, for my budget and room, the ATC was better, by quite a margin.
I suspect you’re fine with where you are. But listening around does no harm as long as you decide on reflection not impulse.
Lastly, I don’t consider Tidal (or any streaming service) to be demo worthy, unless that’s your preferred source. You should listen as you do at home!