CnoEvil said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
Class A did sound very good but without taking my Yamaha and doing a A-B test between the luxman and the Yamaha I will not properly know but as soon as I got home I cranked up the Yamaha and knew I made the right decision today not to buy anything until I’ve hard all of the options available
I would expect the 550 AX11 Luxman to be substantially better than the A21 SE and more in line (if not better than) the IA-4.
It is a misconception that Class A is all warm and is dramatic, yet subtle; detailed, yet rich; explosive , yet refined; accurate, yet musical. IMO. It presents music as it should be, with no extra tizziness or bite....quite addictive.
I very much agree with the highlighted above, but with the added warning that amplifier speaker matching is extremely important with class A amplifiers.
My experience with a Sugden Masterclass class A pre / stereo power amp highlighted how important this is and also the style and type of music that is likely to be played on the system.
In general class A amps sound wonderful as long as you stay firmly within their power limits and use efficient easy to drive loudspeakers but they can run out of headroom very quickly with loud complex music and the sound collapses very quickly if not very careful with the volume control.
Carefully matched a pure Class A amps can sound fantastic but if you like complex dynamic music played at reasonably loud levels then a high bias class A/B is definitely a better choice in my experience .