insider9 said:No, but at 4 meters loss of volume will be about 12dB.Blacksabbath25 said:4 meters from my sofa so is that 4watts then lolinsider9 said:The way they quote specs 2.83V at 1m with 8 Ohm load produced 1W of power. With 4 Ohm load produces 2W.
If your speakers were 8 Ohm sensitivity would be 88dB since they are 4 it really is 85dB (if you think about 1W). That means you will need more power than you though.
What's your distance to speakers at listening position?
Sensitivity is measured at 1 meter. Worth bearing in mind when deciding on amplification.
With 40Wpc (into 4 Ohm) at your listening distance and with your speakers sensitivity you will get max 89dB.
Unless the room is absolutely huge, the loss of spl beyond about 1 metre is negligable, reflections, 'room gain' and all that.
Class A is expensive, particularly so if you go for establised, well known makes. Given the speakers that you have this is not a route I would favour.
I do however have a couple of 'wacky' ideas. Firstly, look at the Icon Audio Stereo 60 (KT120/150s), loads of power for about 3k all up. I know you said you were not considering valves but given the excellent backup from Icon Audio, you might want to think again.
Secondly, would be one of the smaller Devialet models, the 120 or 200. Not class a obviously but an interesting topology with a fully class a pre-amp. Has always impressed me as one of the more 'natural' sounding amps in its class, has some qualities that are reminiscent of class a designs but with loads of power. Not everyone 'gets' Devialet, you would have to try it and see.