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iceman16 said:
You might want to try Plinius ( hautonga)  (Hiato) both powerfull  amps later 300w /c

The plinius are available where I live 🙂

Do they compare to the luxman's and the Sugden's in quality. And will it be a jump from my parasound halo integrated. Thanks 🙂
newlash09 said:
iceman16 said:
You might want to try Plinius ( hautonga)  (Hiato) both powerfull  amps later 300w /c

The plinius are available where I live 🙂

Do they compare to the luxman's and the Sugden's in quality. And will it be a jump from my parasound halo integrated. Thanks 🙂

The plinius Haito is 11000 pounds and the hautonga is 5800 pounds. 300 vs 200 watts respectively
Blacksabbath25 said:
They say class A is expensive to produce that’s why it’s so expensive to buy but what about Vincent class A it’s meant to be more dynamic sounding

If you prefer a Class A type sound, imo. the closest from other topologies have come from:

- Electrocompaniet

- Arcam Class G (as in A49)

- Luxman

- Accuphase

- Audio Analogue.

- Pathos

- Unison Research Unico
Blacksabbath25 said:
Thanks a lot Electro

I am pretty sure your setup sounds amazing mate and my speakers are to big and heavy to put in my car and I changed my car last year for a Ford Focus which doesn’t have the same room as my old Mondao but when I did buy my speakers I nearly bust a gut lifting them by my self lol .

And yes the mono block route is a good one with a pre which I’ve briefly looked at before but didn’t act on but I know the Electo stuff can good because when I had the abrahamsen .

My Pleasure. *smile*

Good though the Abrahamsen amps are especially for the money I must emphasise that the EC4.8 AW180 mono pre/ power combo is in a completely different league in every possible way, they are comparable to amp combo's costing many times their £6800 cost as you may have read in the links I posted previously.

They will drive any speaker to it's maximum potential and nothing can prepare you for the dynamics and scale they are capable of, everything is laid out in front of you in the finest delicate detail whilst at the same time the music punches you to the floor.

In one review I read they were described as a cross between an expensive 300b valve amp and Arnold Schwarzenegger .*biggrin*


David F at the little Audio Company deals with Electrocompaniet but I am not sure if he does the Classic range, it might be worth a phone call.

Hi sabbath..just to give you a wee heads up....sugden masterclass on the bay atm sitting at £1240 with just over a day left to run.....it could be the bargain of the year.pre owned from a dealership.If I had the spare cash..I'd be putting in a bid or two.
on the Vincent SV237 is amazing, even at low level. That is what I was after and guided by this forum is what I bought into. Class A can get expensive though, and I decided to go hybrid as it can steam along very loudly when needed. Can I tell when it runs out of A at 10+10W? Can I 'ell as like lol. Cno and others are far more knowledgable in various topologies etc but it's all down to budget and once I factored in the headphone amp that was mine hit.
I basically doing my homework work first before committing myself to anything and most probably keep my Yamaha A-2100 as I like it so much and probably buy a second amplifier to use separately but I am pretty sure it’s going to be class A as I was very impressed with the detail that class A gives it was a real eye opener.

And I might buy secondhand to keep the cost down because amplifiers like the luxman are around £5000 - £7000 Mark new and to be honest I’ve never spent that kind of money before and I am not to sure I want to .

i have still got to do lots of demoing yet to see what’s out there properly I know I do not want to go for a tube amplifier just a straight forward class A amplifier ideally one with balanced XLR inputs and ideally with very good build quality like my Yamaha .

i guess also there has to come a point where your got to be happy with what your got and basically what I’ve got is really very good it’s just that little bit of extra detail that I am after and I hard that with class A
CnoEvil said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
They say class A is expensive to produce that’s why it’s so expensive to buy but what about Vincent class A it’s meant to be more dynamic sounding

If you prefer a Class A type sound, imo. the closest from other topologies have come from:

- Electrocompaniet

- Arcam Class G (as in A49)

- Luxman

- Accuphase

- Audio Analogue.

- Pathos

- Unison Research Unico
out of this list Cno I like the look of the Accuphase and luxman not keen on owing a tube amplifier really but couldn’t find a uk dealer who has the Accuphase amplifiers or what they cost to buy but liked the look of them as they seem to have the same build quality as the high end Yamaha amplifiers do .
paulkebab said:
on the Vincent SV237 is amazing, even at low level. That is what I was after and guided by this forum is what I bought into. Class A can get expensive though, and I decided to go hybrid as it can steam along very loudly when needed. Can I tell when it runs out of A at 10+10W? Can I 'ell as like lol. Cno and others are far more knowledgable in various topologies etc but it's all down to budget and once I factored in the headphone amp that was mine hit.

It's only 2x10 watt in 8 ohm class 8 but 2x150 watt in 8 ohm i gues it's in A/B
You do not need a lot of Watts with class A gasolin as some of the amplifiers I was looking at only do 20 Watts but 20 Watts is very loud because when I had a demo with this luxman amplifier we had the volume up to around the 10 o’clock mark and that was pretty loud
If I'm honest your room is quite large and speakers not the most sensitive, granted they're 4 Ohm.

I'd look at 50Wpc minimum. It could get costly if you go with all out Class A. No doubt worth it but I'd not discount high bias Class AB with a lot of power. Something that can do 250Wpc but does first 50 in Class A.
Blacksabbath25 said:
You do not need a lot of Watts with class A gasolin as some of the amplifiers I was looking at only do 20 Watts but 20 Watts is very loud because when I had a demo with this luxman amplifier we had the volume up to around the 10 o’clock mark and that was pretty loud

Look for Class Amps that double their power into 4 Ohms....and better still, double again into 2 Ohms...then match with speakers that have around 90 dB Sensitivity and an Impedance that drops to 3 - 4 Ohms. They are then in their element. *music2*
newlash09 said:
newlash09 said:
iceman16 said:
You might want to try Plinius ( hautonga) (Hiato) both powerfull amps later 300w /c

The plinius are available where I live 🙂

Do they compare to the luxman's and the Sugden's in quality. And will it be a jump from my parasound halo integrated. Thanks 🙂

The plinius Haito is 11000 pounds and the hautonga is 5800 pounds. 300 vs 200 watts respectively

The Hiato's rrp in UK is £7199 and Hautonga £4450. I have home demo them both and drove my ATC scm40 with ease.
CnoEvil said:
Blacksabbath25 said:
You do not need a lot of Watts with class A gasolin as some of the amplifiers I was looking at only do 20 Watts but 20 Watts is very loud because when I had a demo with this luxman amplifier we had the volume up to around the 10 o’clock mark and that was pretty loud

Look for Class Amps that double their power into 4 Ohms....and better still, double again into 2 Ohms...then match with speakers that have around 90 dB Sensitivity and an Impedance that drops to 3 - 4 Ohms. They are then in their element. *music2*

+1 *dirol*
I have been doing some more reading about class A amplifiers basically I have definitely got to spend big money on buying a class A amplifier if I want one unless I can buy a class A amplifier secondhand with more then 50 Watts and can easily handle my opticon 8s which are 88db which are quite power hungry .

my worries with the sugden 21se is yes it will double its power into 4 ohms load but worried that the sugden will start clipping when pushed with much more dynamic music or when I put the volume up to 10 o’clock volume level .

now when I had the demonstrate with the sugden 21se it did seem to handle Dali opticon 6s And rubicon 6s without any issue that I could see in the demonstration I had and my only reason of me thinking about the sugden 21se is it’s price point which seems to be very good value .

if I went for the luxman 590 which would be my first choice then at least the luxman would have the reserved power needed to drive my opticon 8s properly . My only negative is the price point £7000 it’s a lot of money to the point where I might keep what I’ve got because all of the class A amplifiers are very expensive that have the bigger Watts spec .

the other option I am thinking about and I am not to sure if this would work or not is to buy a quality Dac that would give me this extra detail that I am after in the top end but weather my thinking is correct or not I am unsure .
Your speakers have a Sensitivity of 88dB, which is OK...but you would need to see if they go loud enough for you, if using a 20W Class A amp.

Personally, I'd rather have compromise on outright volume, than on a sound I really like...if it came down to that.

If you are worried about power, I still think you should hear the Arcam A49, as it has plenty of power and gives a good taste of Class A. I have been impressed every time I've heard it.
Blacksabbath25 said:
What about the Dac option ? Like the new fixed chord 2 cute Dac that’s coming out it’s £1200 would this give extra detail like class A ?

IME. You cannot really replicate the Class A sound, without a Class A amp....in the same way that you need a Valve Amp, to give that Valve sound. This is why I start my system with an amp and then match speakers to it.

You might like to try a Linn DS, which is both musical and detailed (and works great with the A49)...and if you don't want to go down the streaming route, have a listen to the Luxman CDP.


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