I believe the future for CD Players are those like Naim who can play CDs and burn them of onto their internal hardrive so that you can stream the tracks when plugged into your relevant wifi. I think Brennan started this and it is a great idea.
Once Cyrus cottons on then order will be restored. Not everyone wants a PC or Apple to control their Hifi but a CD Player that can stream at a higher bitrate than its CD counterpart is onto a winner.
Now for aesthetics, a glass coffee table would be agreeable in most Living Rooms. I have a Wharfedale Diamond system shaped into a Diamond on a stand comprising of A CD/Tuner system/2 speakers. It sounds pants but it looks the business. Come on you buggars, lose the inhibition and embrace the esoteric of the 1980's (graphic equalisers anyone!!)
Once Cyrus cottons on then order will be restored. Not everyone wants a PC or Apple to control their Hifi but a CD Player that can stream at a higher bitrate than its CD counterpart is onto a winner.
Now for aesthetics, a glass coffee table would be agreeable in most Living Rooms. I have a Wharfedale Diamond system shaped into a Diamond on a stand comprising of A CD/Tuner system/2 speakers. It sounds pants but it looks the business. Come on you buggars, lose the inhibition and embrace the esoteric of the 1980's (graphic equalisers anyone!!)