Cabling - the truth will out .....

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hammill:Given the sales of homeopathic medicine, a fair number are.

It just annoys me that the nay-sayers always take this high ground of being more intelligent than the rest of the populace...
Andrew Everard:
hammill:Given the sales of homeopathic medicine, a fair number are.

It just annoys me that the nay-sayers always take this high ground of being more intelligent than the rest of the populace...

I agree Andrew.

seems to be a view of "I disagree with you .... hence .... you are stupid" ...... rather than acceptance of differing opinions!
If you're a salesman, actually earning money from making people buy your stuff, it's not ethical at all. It's bordering on fraud.

I take issue with that. There is nothing fraudulent about sales. A customer comes into a store or showroom and takes interest in a product. As a salesman I discuss their needs with them and make recommendations about which product(s) would suit their needs. The customer then has equal opportunity to either part with their money and buy the item(s) or walk away.

I earn my living honestly and through damn hard work day in, day out.

I do agree with you about the endless upgrade spiral though. Its dangerous and doesn't lead to satisfaction, either in musical terms or financial considerations. I also agree that mood can make a huge difference to one's perception of how a piece of equipment, or indeed the whole system, is performing. Ending up with a good quality hi-fi set-up enriches musical enjoyment which, in turn, enriches life. Being stuck on an eternal upgrade and tweaking merry-go-round ruins everything.
JoelSim:one off:

the problem i have is that £500 buys me a better cd player and im prepared to bet that will make more difference to the sound than any mains cable could

also the whole mains cable phenomenon is predicated on having noisy mains and since no-one ever tests to see whether this is true or not money spent on them is always going to be a gamble No it's notcare to explain why joel

are you saying if you have a perfect mains supply expensive mains cables will still make a difference
Andrew Everard:
hammill:Given the sales of homeopathic medicine, a fair number are.

It just annoys me that the nay-sayers always take this high ground of being more intelligent than the rest of the populace...

to be fair the yay sayers do to

its a bit like the debates between vegetarians and meat eaters where both sides take the moral high ground but accuse the other of being self righteous
As this one appears to be going round in circles (and it started so well) I will be taking no more part in this thread.....FACT

Off home to listen to music and imagine a difference that I cant possibly hear with my deaf and unintelligent ears after too much persuasion by sales people because I am a mindless sheep
Ive tried and tested loads of cables

I do so by using my ears which is exactly what I do when choosing a new set of speakers or whatever

Some cables have made no difference. Others have (A hell of a lot in some cases)

I once upgraded my old arcam cd player and honestly couldnt tell a difference UNTIL id changed the mains cable

Anyone who says they dont make a difference have clearly not had the same experience I have

Just yesterday I swopped my 250 Watt PSU on my computer to a 500 Watt one

It ran so much better, but crucially it still 'worked' with the 250 in, just not as good ~ much the same as mains cables

I didnt need anyone to tell me it was working better, I could just tell through using my senses (Although when I ran 3dmark it clearly showed an actual measureable improvement all the same)

My 16 core braided mains cables have given me a clearly better picture and far better sound than using the stock cables. Now you can argue all you like, the differences were much more apparant than a change in cd player!

I can also testify that solid silver mains cables from NEW sound awful and only get better over time (If they genuinely sounded the same all the way through id have loved them from the moment I put them on. I didnt, I HATED them)
True Blue:One Off, your comments remind me of a previous banned poster under the name of Cyril Mason......
nothing i can do about that thats your perception not mine nor that of my oh
I think one of the characteristics of many of us is the fact that we seem to feel the need to convince others that improvements we have heard actually exist. In a way its a kind of justification and seeking of some sort of approval.

Ultimately, it doesn't really matter. If one person has spent considerable sums on cables of any kind and hears a difference that, to them, justifies the spend, why should it matter what anyone else thinks?

Likewise, if you don't believe in cables and find yourself quite happy with your system as it is. If it suits YOU, as the person who listens to it day after day and who has invested the money, that really is all that matters.
when people who test for hifi magazines do reviews of powercables, do they test them 'blind' or do they know what cables they are listening to during the actual test?
dim_span:when people who test for hifi magazines do reviews of powercables, do they test them 'blind' or do they know what cables they are listening to during the actual test?

blind (according to Simon Lucus)
RCduck7:Typically, three pages further and the nay sayers can't come up with anything to counter my last post.

I sit on the fence on this one (based on comments I have read on several forums) ... can say that I will take the plunge and buy something decent such as the Shiva (only reason is that my amp is going in for a service and the power cable is looking very old and very tatty)
The only thing I can come up with to counter your incredible insight is my conversation with Cyrus some time last year:

Me: What about mains conditioners?

Them: We build them into our amps

Me: Oh

Them: Laughter
Cabling - the truth will out....... or not as the case may be.

Build quality. So long as the connectors fit securely, there is no chance of it shorting and its built to a good specification, whats the fuss all about?

The placebo effect - its got to be present, particularly with the more expensive purchase.

Detailed listening - how much do you need to pay attention to the reproduction of the music to be able to spot the difference between cables?

Just messing. As cable threads this one has been a good read.
RCduck7:Typically, three pages further and the nay sayers can't come up with anything to counter my last post.

What are you inciting by that remark, an argument?

What's a nay sayer anyway? Everyone has to use cables.
one off:
True Blue:One Off, your comments remind me of a previous banned poster under the name of Cyril Mason......
nothing i can do about that thats your perception not mine nor that of my oh

You know, a suspicious person would suspect you of outing yourself as a ban-dodger...
Andrew Everard:one off:
True Blue:One Off, your comments remind me of a previous banned poster under the name of Cyril Mason......
nothing i can do about that thats your perception not mine nor that of my oh

You know, a suspicious person would suspect you of outing yourself as a ban-dodger...

im not mason nor a ban dodger but im off for a bit anyway no doubt i will be back when im in a better frame of mind

Cabling - the truth will out....... or not as the case may be.

Build quality. So long as the connectors fit securely, there is no chance of it shorting and its built to a good specification, whats the fuss all about?

The placebo effect - its got to be present, particularly with the more expensive purchase.

Detailed listening - how much do you need to pay attention to the reproduction of the music to be able to spot the difference between cables?

Just messing. As cable threads this one has been a good read.

On a good system idc the differences between cables can be very apparant without even a detailed listen.
Andrew Everard:No-one is 'claiming' anything; we simply report our findings and opinions. Yes, opinions - with not a hint of passing anything off as 'an objective truth.'

That's good. Lot's of reviewers have a less humble attitude. Some are very categorical in their judgement.

Or are you suggesting that all consumers are stupid?

Let's put it this way: Some people seems to have an unlimited trust in alleged authority.
I'm picking up some Chord Carnival Silverscreen on Sunday so I'll see if I can detect any difference with the Cambridge Audio Symphony 400 (was Gale) I'm using now. And no, I haven't decided beforehand not to hear any difference; I'm keeping an open mind/ear.
gpi:I haven't decided beforehand not to hear any difference; I'm keeping an open mind/ear.

Just remember, that unless you make a set-up that enable to to switch back and forth in a couple of seconds, what you really compare is not actual sound, but memories of sound.


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