Why miss out on so much entertainment by blocking anyone on here, at the moment there would nothing to read without you. However, you give yourself far too much credit if you in any way believe that my decision has anything to do with you. I believe the current phraseology is "biggin' yourself up".
My decision is purely based on the fact I now have an excellent stereo system to listen to, the golf courses are open again and summer's here so get out on the motorbike more. Allocating posting time to this forum takes precious time away from the things I enjoy the most... I'm not enjoying the forum so why waste my time posting.
There are, and have been, very decent guys on here who have assisted me with my hi-fi journey, to them I direct my thanks. You on the other hand are insignificant, as are your provocative posts, yet you are the first to complain if you believe a Mod has treated you unfairly. Bye Plus, enjoy yourself 👍