fr0g said:
tinkywinkydipsylalapo said:
Agreed: after all, people won't just accuse themselves of idiocy, mental health problems or dishonesty, especially when they are too feeble-minded to avoid being deluded and deceived, and can't make buying decisions with which they feel comfortable and which give them some enjoyment.
I think you'll find a high percentage of the cable-enlightened fraternity here were once fully paid up members of the cloud-cuckoo land clan too. I spent money upgrading interconnects, speaker cable etc. It's only when you prove to yourself that it's pointless do you realise what a gigantic waste of money it's all been.
I personally don't regard people conned by cable lies as idiots or mentally ill. I do think some are being dishonest (the sellers mainly). It isn't feeble-mindedness either... Anyone will be fooled by suggestion bias or placebo in one way or another - it is almost unavoidable with our extremely easy-to-trick human senses.
But as for making buying decisions they are comfortable with, I regard it a victory for common sense if I can make one mind become uncomfortable and inquisitive enough to actually test the so-called improvements scientifically...because if they do, then that's another cable-enlightened person and one less mug for the snake-oil merchants to milk dry.
Mostly this. The prices for some interconnects are eye wateringly stupid, I realised paying £50 or so for some Cobras was daft.
You could argue that you pays your money you gets your choice, and you know what if you've got the money, and it you believe you can hear the difference when spending that money then who cares? Why does there need to be an absolute right or wrong, because effectively they're both right. I can't hear the difference between hi-res and CD audio, unless it's been remastered, I also have to concentrate to be able to distinguish CDA from spotify, but that's not going to stop me from enjoying both.
This after all is just a hobby, mere titillation as humans have too much free time on our hands, and there's a danger that many of us take it all a bit too seriously. We've all got to make a living, and if some do by selling snake oil, so long as their customers know in their minds what they are getting, then that's food on the table for another person. Just because I won't buy it, doesn't mean I feel the need to tell everyone else they are making a mistake, I'm more interested in why someone perceives something differently when the science is allegedly constant.