Hello Golden Ears, a word to the wise:
I expect that you have already worked out that on these What Hi*Fi public forums if you mention anything relating to cables that doesn't amount to, '..yeah, and cables don't make any difference whatsoever...so there' you'll quickly find yourself subjected to all manner of verbal diarrhoea. To have an opposite view to the one held by a number here on these forums will mean you are perceived by them to be unbalanced, a heretic, the enemy, a troll, an idiot, a self deceieved (now there's a debate), irrational thinking, primordial soup dwelling imbecile...or some such thing.
There are a handful here that consider it their Science/self given duty to help irksome and wayward ignoramuses out of their delusional stupors, and so they'll attempt to waken the deluded with a few hammer-soft facts (cough) initially, in a cruel to be kind way of course. Remember, the curtness is completely neccessary, it's part of the treatment. So if you are an irksome and wayward ignoramus remember, these folk are just trying to be helpful and jolt you out of that darned crazy dream world you seem to be trapped in, buddy! Once you wake up it'll all be so much clearer and you'll wonder how in heaven's name you could have ever been such a total brainless troglodyte with all those crazy notions about 'stuff'.
Oh, but be warned. If you don't respond well to 'treatment' you'll eventually get a charming Cease and Desist Order from someone or another...but take no notice, no matter how worryingly it is worded. A few good people here don't quite understand that not contributing to a conversation that they no longer want to be a part of simply means not posting any replies...and not posting is actually a perfectly good option and preferable if all you are hanging around for is to bully a forum member. There are loads of other coversations going on on these forums, and new, non cable related ones are being started all of the time, so people with no interest in the topic can, metaphorically, walk away...if they really want to! In the immortal words of Bambi, "if you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all".