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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2010
plastic penguin said:
Yes, I do have limited experience with ATCs, which should speak volumes. The reason I've only had a couple of short dems and no more... work it out for yourself.

Again, regards my room and being lush: Heavy curtains, a proper sofa (not wicker type), bookcases, wallpaper and good quality curtains, approx. 12" from left speaker... no exposed flooring or any object you could describe as reflective, so how would you term the room?

You reckon my old 40 watt amp would find the ATCs easier to drive than the MAs? Yeah, I breed pink badgers...

Well you've repeatedly said your problem with demoing ATC is not having a dealer near you. I recall several threads where Chebby has shown you how close they are, yet you remained parochial. What else am I meant to work out?

You are describing a room with a reasonable amount of domestic damping. It is certainly not extravagant compared to those who use acoustic treatment. I don't actually know what you mean by 'lush', do you? I normally might expect someone to mean a boosted midrange; I would not expect your domestic arrangements to have this effect on frequency response.

I would expect Leema to pair nicely with ATC. Have you tried it? Your sarcasm does your credibility no favours.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2010
Any comment about the 'meltdown' quote? Which amps in your experience have suffered a meltdown from driving ATCs? Did any of those you briefly heard with ATC at WHF suffer a meltdown? If not in your experience, where have you read of this taking place?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2011
Ben I like to have on my threads ongoing discussions. >)

Fortunately we all don't have the same opinions, that's why the market is full of so many brands with so many different characteristics

We all defend our ladys in a fierce and confident way. |(

We can not base our opinions only on assumptions. :shame:

I think this forum is composed of people who know what they are saying, I have learned a lot here, and I continue to learn!!

I've to Thank all: Ben, PP, CnoEvil and others. :cheers:
BenLaw said:
plastic penguin said:
Yes, I do have limited experience with ATCs, which should speak volumes. The reason I've only had a couple of short dems and no more... work it out for yourself.

Again, regards my room and being lush: Heavy curtains, a proper sofa (not wicker type), bookcases, wallpaper and good quality curtains, approx. 12" from left speaker... no exposed flooring or any object you could describe as reflective, so how would you term the room?

You reckon my old 40 watt amp would find the ATCs easier to drive than the MAs? Yeah, I breed pink badgers...

Well you've repeatedly said your problem with demoing ATC is not having a dealer near you. I recall several threads where Chebby has shown you how close they are, yet you remained parochial. What else am I meant to work out?

I would expect Leema to pair nicely with ATC. Have you tried it? Your sarcasm does your credibility no favours.

There was one thread I started where I refer to a lack of ATC dealers, and if you had read them well enough, when I contacted them they said they didn't carry stocks of the 11 and I would have wait few (working) days. ATCs have never been on my radar, more as an observation rather than a serious consideration. You can read whatever you want, normally do.

Let down the ego and just except that people have opinions based on listening to these products. Or maybe we aren't allowed opinions.

In fact if you look at my previous posts I have stated that ATCs are a very good speaker, but do not appeal to me as an all-rounder... for the reasons I've given.

Just accept that not everyone has a rose tinted view of ATCs. Likewise, I also except not everyone will likes MAs - that's the nature of the beast.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2010
plastic penguin said:
BenLaw said:
plastic penguin said:
Yes, I do have limited experience with ATCs, which should speak volumes. The reason I've only had a couple of short dems and no more... work it out for yourself.

Again, regards my room and being lush: Heavy curtains, a proper sofa (not wicker type), bookcases, wallpaper and good quality curtains, approx. 12" from left speaker... no exposed flooring or any object you could describe as reflective, so how would you term the room?

You reckon my old 40 watt amp would find the ATCs easier to drive than the MAs? Yeah, I breed pink badgers...

Well you've repeatedly said your problem with demoing ATC is not having a dealer near you. I recall several threads where Chebby has shown you how close they are, yet you remained parochial. What else am I meant to work out?

I would expect Leema to pair nicely with ATC. Have you tried it? Your sarcasm does your credibility no favours.

There was one thread I started where I refer to a lack of ATC dealers, and if you had read them well enough, when I contacted them they said they didn't carry stocks of the 11 and I would have wait few (working) days. ATCs have never been on my radar, more as an observation rather than a serious consideration. You can read whatever you want, normally do.

Let down the ego and just except that people have opinions based on listening to these products. Or maybe we aren't allowed opinions.

In fact if you look at my previous posts I have stated that ATCs are a very good speaker, but do not appeal to me as an all-rounder... for the reasons I've given.

Just accept that not everyone has a rose tinted view of ATCs. Likewise, I also except not everyone will likes MAs - that's the nature of the beast.

This is not a case of me failing to accept anything. I've not said they're for everyone. I've said they should be demoed as they're not to everyone's taste. Therefore, I said the complete opposite of what you are suggesting. In your case, I don't think you're being disingenuous, simply deluded.

Similarly, I've not had a problem with people saying they don't like them based on their listening experience. See my reply to chebby (again, please read my posts and respond to what they actually say, not what you subsequently think or pretend they say).

What I have pulled you up on (in the past, on this thread and no doubt in the future given your irrational belligerence) is your unfounded claims about driving ATCs. So I ask you again: when in your experience has an amp suffered a meltdown driving ATCs? Did any of the amps at WHF suffer a meltdown driving the 11s? If not, where have you heard of this happening? If none of these, will you withdraw your comment?

Btw I don't see how ego comes into it. Please show me in what way.
BenLaw said:
plastic penguin said:
BenLaw said:
plastic penguin said:
Yes, I do have limited experience with ATCs, which should speak volumes. The reason I've only had a couple of short dems and no more... work it out for yourself.

Again, regards my room and being lush: Heavy curtains, a proper sofa (not wicker type), bookcases, wallpaper and good quality curtains, approx. 12" from left speaker... no exposed flooring or any object you could describe as reflective, so how would you term the room?

You reckon my old 40 watt amp would find the ATCs easier to drive than the MAs? Yeah, I breed pink badgers...

Well you've repeatedly said your problem with demoing ATC is not having a dealer near you. I recall several threads where Chebby has shown you how close they are, yet you remained parochial. What else am I meant to work out?

I would expect Leema to pair nicely with ATC. Have you tried it? Your sarcasm does your credibility no favours.

There was one thread I started where I refer to a lack of ATC dealers, and if you had read them well enough, when I contacted them they said they didn't carry stocks of the 11 and I would have wait few (working) days. ATCs have never been on my radar, more as an observation rather than a serious consideration. You can read whatever you want, normally do.

Let down the ego and just except that people have opinions based on listening to these products. Or maybe we aren't allowed opinions.

In fact if you look at my previous posts I have stated that ATCs are a very good speaker, but do not appeal to me as an all-rounder... for the reasons I've given.

Just accept that not everyone has a rose tinted view of ATCs. Likewise, I also except not everyone will likes MAs - that's the nature of the beast.

This is not a case of me failing to accept anything. I've not said they're for everyone. I've said they should be demoed as they're not to everyone's taste. Therefore, I said the complete opposite of what you are suggesting. In your case, I don't think you're being disingenuous, simply deluded.

Similarly, I've not had a problem with people saying they don't like them based on their listening experience. See my reply to chebby (again, please read my posts and respond to what they actually say, not what you subsequently think or pretend they say).

What I have pulled you up on (in the past, on this thread and no doubt in the future given your irrational belligerence) is your unfounded claims about driving ATCs. So I ask you again: when in your experience has an amp suffered a meltdown driving ATCs? Did any of the amps at WHF suffer a meltdown driving the 11s? If not, where have you heard of this happening? If none of these, will you withdraw your comment?

Btw I don't see how ego comes into it. Please show me in what way.

Here's me thinking it's a fact that amp can get hot with difficult to drive speakers (there goes my belligerence again) . Yes, I have experience of Arcam showing signs of heat with Dyns, especially over hours of playing (and considering my amp is on - generally - 4/6 hours every day), something that doesn't occur with MAs, Focals, PMCs etc. You could liken it to a family car pushing a combined harvester...

We all know you're not backwards in coming forward. That's the definition of ego...

I won't reply to this thread again, so good luck to hifioutlaw in his dems.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2010
Getting warm is not the same as 'meltdown', which implies some sort of inability and consequent failure. So it's clear you have no personal experience of what you say nor have you read of it happening. In those circumstances, to persist with ludicrous analogies such as the combine harvester is irrational belligerence.

What you state is not even close to the definition of ego. People 'come forward' for many reasons, only one of which is ego. I've said why I've done it, and will continue to do so when you spout ill-founded nonsense and I am capable of rebutting it.


New member
Oct 1, 2011
I used a 8wpc T-Amp with great sucess with the SCM10's in a small room.

But I certainly would not use that in a normal UK living room, would be a fast track to blown drivers and a sad face.

The ATC's are a relatively benign load, not dipping below 6 Ohms in the bass-mid region.

I am a big fan of ATC speakers, but they are not perfect. The 7's are my favoured in the range, then I would not give the 11's house room, or the 40's for that matter.

alchemist 1

Well-known member
Mar 28, 2012
hoopsontoast said:
I used a 8wpc T-Amp with great sucess with the SCM10's in a small room.

But I certainly would not use that in a normal UK living room, would be a fast track to blown drivers and a sad face.

The ATC's are a relatively benign load, not dipping below 6 Ohms in the bass-mid region.

I am a big fan of ATC speakers, but they are not perfect. The 7's are my favoured in the range, then I would not give the 11's house room, or the 40's for that matter.

SO, that leaves the 19,S the winner then ? ;)


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2011
plastic penguin said:
ones that doesn't push a amp into meltdown.

Hi plastic penguin

Come on :grin: this has now joined the other classics :rofl:

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft

if i knew that would go down this road i've never started this thread... ;)

I love the "mad house" :cheer: :rofl:


Classics? Pathetic and extremely childish more like, from both sides.


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