ATC SCM 40 active speakers


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Aug 28, 2015
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Iam extremely happy with my present setup and have no immediate plans to change anything. But considering that i wont have the funds to improve either my present speakers or my amplification for any noticable improvements. I was thinking of quality active speakers for my next change. And came across these. Very favourably reviewed by whathifi, and also the absolute sound ( though unable to find their review anymore ). The best part is that with a little saving, I can pass on my kit and reach these. So, curious to know if anyone heard them. Thanks.

Present setup : Yamaha WXC-50 > Chord 2 Qute > Parasound Halo integrated > PMC Twenty 26


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Aug 28, 2015
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insider9 said:
Never heard them but you'd need a different DAC :(

I was under the impresion the chord 2 qute was capabale enough, though i personally think it sounds almost like the yamaha wxc-50. But any reason why i need a better DAC if i go for the active SMC 40's.


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newlash09 said:
insider9 said:
Never heard them but you'd need a different DAC :(


I was under the impresion the chord 2 qute was capabale enough, though i personally think it sounds almost like the yamaha wxc-50. But any reason why i need a better DAC if i go for the active SMC 40's.
You'll need balanced connections for ATC actives which 2Qute doesn't have.


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Dec 2, 2007
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I demo'd them alongside Linn Akudoriks (Exakt) about 4 months ago. If you whizz over to post #1334 on page 89 of this thread:

you'll see I did a pretty detailed review of what I thought. All I can add to that sometime later is that I am still saving up for a sure you'll draw your own conclusions from that


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Jan 18, 2008
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Paulq said:
I demo'd them alongside Linn Akudoriks (Exakt) about 4 months ago. If you whizz over to post #1334 on page 89 of this thread:

you'll see I did a pretty detailed review of what I thought.  All I can add to that sometime later is that I am still saving up for a sure you'll draw your own conclusions from that  .


I went back to read your impressions of the ATC's. Fantastic write-up.

Did you buy the AE1a's before or after?


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Dec 2, 2007
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drummerman said:
I went back to read your impressions of the ATC's. Fantastic write-up.

Did you buy the AE1a's before or after?

Thanks for the kind words and glad it made sense or helped anyone considering buying a pair. I still stand by the comments I made then in that they are some of the best speakers I have heard.

I bought the AE1's afterwards and, to be honest, went through a short process of being unsure about whether to keep or sell them. I stuck with them and am really glad I did as they are absolutely superb for the price.

When I can afford the ATC's I'll move the AE1's to the second system and I'll be pretty much done then I think.


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Nov 21, 2014
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I have not heard the ATC SCM 40A but read a lot about them from internet. It appears to me this Active system will be very sensitive to the assocated equipment used in the system to the degree that one could adjust the sound to the specific component. One reviewer advised one could change the sound to the type of preamp uses, like adding milk or cream to the coffee. I wonder if the OP falls in love with the active with the ACT SCM40A what would be the rest of his system? Also from reviews it is implied that the Active system comes on song when played from moderate to loud volumes I wonder if from auditions this is true or even one could play at quiet volumes.? If I had the money ATC SCM 40A would be my first port of call...!


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Aug 28, 2015
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Paulq said:
I demo'd them alongside Linn Akudoriks (Exakt) about 4 months ago. If you whizz over to post #1334 on page 89 of this thread:

you'll see I did a pretty detailed review of what I thought.  All I can add to that sometime later is that I am still saving up for a sure you'll draw your own conclusions from that  .


Lovely write up. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your impressions on the ATC SCM 40 A. I am seriously hitched to give them a audition. Will surely give them a listen . And should be able to off load my present kit if I like them, to finance the purchase. Thanks again :)


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Aug 28, 2015
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Romulus said:
I have not heard the ATC SCM 40A but read a lot about them from internet.  It appears to me this Active system will be very sensitive to the assocated equipment used in the system to the degree that one could adjust the sound to the specific component.  One reviewer advised one could change the sound to the type of preamp uses, like adding milk or cream to the coffee.  I wonder if the OP falls in love with the active   with the ACT SCM40A what would be the rest of his system?  Also from reviews it is implied that the Active system comes on song when played from moderate to loud volumes I wonder if from auditions this is true or even one could play at quiet volumes.?  If I had the money ATC SCM 40A would be my first port of call...!

I will have to get a new source if I go for the active SCM 40's. My present dac doesn't have XLR outs.

I plan to continue with the Yamaha wxc-50 as the digital streamer.

Coming to the dac. Does the new dac also have to have volume control or do the SCM 40A's have a remote with inbuilt volume control. Thanks


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Dec 2, 2007
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newlash09 said:
Lovely write up. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your impressions on the ATC SCM 40 A. I am seriously hitched to give them a audition. Will surely give them a listen . And should be able to off load my present kit if I like them, to finance the purchase. Thanks again :)

You're welcome - glad I could help with your decision making. Let us know what you think if you decide to get some.


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Nov 8, 2007
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So if one wanted to keep box count to a minimum with the 40a should one be looking at

Linn day
Audiolab mdac

I assume the above have a pre amp (with DAC)
If I ever win the lottery, which is pretty unlikely as I never buy a ticket, the actives would be a good move. Anything better would need room treatment and fuss that I’m not sure I could be bothered with.

The ATC preamp is really needed, but I think it costs about the same as the speakers. However, the alternatives for me would be something 3 to 5 times the price from Wilson Audio, Sonus faber - with d’Agostino or similar amps - so the ATC is a snip really.


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Nov 29, 2010
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Hi Paulq,

Glad to hear that you kept the AE1a. I thought you were going to stick with the Linn Aktiv/Exakt route and it's interesting that you've decided not to. It's probably going to work out cheaper and far less complicated in the long run. Don't blame you aiming for those active ATCs. I bet they're tremendous performers!

Can't knock the AE1a for their size/price:sound ratio though; I still think they're amazing for the money. I'm still pretty stuck for any kind of negative remarks to write about them. They just seem to reproduce anything you feed into them without effort or strain (but without sounding laid back!). Tremendous.

As for interconnects for the OP, I'm sure that RCA to XLR will do the job (although fully balanced may have a slight edge - who knows?) As others have posted, a preamp would also be needed I believe.


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Nov 29, 2010
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drummerman said:
Paulq said:
I demo'd them alongside Linn Akudoriks (Exakt) about 4 months ago. If you whizz over to post #1334 on page 89 of this thread:

you'll see I did a pretty detailed review of what I thought. All I can add to that sometime later is that I am still saving up for a sure you'll draw your own conclusions from that .

I went back to read your impressions of the ATC's. Fantastic write-up.

Did you buy the AE1a's before or after?

HI Drummerman,

Have you got the AE1a on order or have your plans changed?


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Jan 15, 2011
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nopiano said:
If I ever win the lottery, which is pretty unlikely as I never buy a ticket, the actives would be a good move. Anything better would need room treatment and fuss that I’m not sure I could be bothered with.

The ATC preamp is really needed, but I think it costs about the same as the speakers. However, the alternatives for me would be something 3 to 5 times the price from Wilson Audio, Sonus faber - with d’Agostino or similar amps - so the ATC is a snip really.

I couldn't agree more that a decent preamplifier is a must. I had a great plan to use my old DAC (PS Audio DirectStream) in to my Bryston amps as a preamp. So I sold my great pre-amp and went for it on the basis that "all pre-amplifers sound the same". You know the mantra.

The truth is it sounded awful. I mean really bad. Proceed with care if you are spending £6800 on a pair of loudspeakers and then using the "freebie" attenuation circuit that came in your DAC as a preamplifier. Definitely didn't work for me and I learnt the value of a good preamp the hard way...
Agreed. If you want to experience what curved SCM40A’s are capable of then a dedicated pre amp and one appropriately matched will help big time. And in this respect the finest performance i’ve heard from curved SCM40A’s is with ATC’s SCA2.


Rick @ Musicraft


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