Thanks GSB BB
Thats good to know, its all very well spending £200-£300 on calibration but not really knowing anything about it is risky, and trying to find any in depth info is not easy hence the questions, having said all that I have not heard any thing bad or any unhappy customers, the only real sort of review has been from Strapped, it is hard to think that such an improvement for not a mega amount of money can give such improvements, and as stated earlier in the thread some die hard AV Fans will not think twice about spending £100 upwards on a HDMI Cable with very little if any improvements, so spending this sort of money on a calibration seems good value. However as stated it would be good if there was some sort of cover/garantee should the settings be lost, so I can see the concern of some, still cant have it all I suppose... 8)
Thats good to know, its all very well spending £200-£300 on calibration but not really knowing anything about it is risky, and trying to find any in depth info is not easy hence the questions, having said all that I have not heard any thing bad or any unhappy customers, the only real sort of review has been from Strapped, it is hard to think that such an improvement for not a mega amount of money can give such improvements, and as stated earlier in the thread some die hard AV Fans will not think twice about spending £100 upwards on a HDMI Cable with very little if any improvements, so spending this sort of money on a calibration seems good value. However as stated it would be good if there was some sort of cover/garantee should the settings be lost, so I can see the concern of some, still cant have it all I suppose... 8)