Having recently got my VT65 professionally calibrated, and posted about how delighted I am with the results, it's probably clear where I stand on this issue.
I'm interested to hear arguments for and against calibration using a meter, however. If you decided not to calibrate your TV (and this seems true of the great majority of people), what influenced your decision?
Countless threads are started by people looking to spend hundreds of pounds on new kit to squeeze the last drop of performance from their system. Yet I would argue that full calibration offers the best pound-for-pound upgrade available. (In a video only context, certainly, in every other sense, probably.) I'd add that calibration is an absolute must if you've any interest in 3D viewing. The difference is even more pronounced.
Also, what are the perceived advantages of paying a professional vs. buying your own meter and software? Which offers the best value? To a degree this is system dependent. If you're Son_of_SJ, for instance, and own several high-end TVs, buying a meter arguably represents value for money as you can calibrate every TV you own. (Including that second-bedroom Kuro
Those arguing against professional calibration, have you viewed a calibrated and uncalibrated TV side-by-side?