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fr0g said:
In a way. Although I'd personally want a little more oomph and better VFM. But I'd be more than happy with such a system on my computer desk 🙂

VFM point taken (though I suspect margins are lower on Naim casings than on MDF boxes). Oomph point - you shouldn't believe everything people tell you.
FrankHarveyHiFi said:
fr0g said:
As a matter of interest what did he upgrade from and to?

So you can continue your p taking? Nah, you're ok. I was originally making a point, and you have to and do the usual AVI thing. Max, this answers something you asked, if you remember - it's when forum members start to sound like their teacher.

David, if you think fr0g has "a teacher" over on AVI Forum, you're obviously not a regular visitor :O

And to be fair, AVI Forum members are very logical and intelligent guys who've ended up owning ADM's after years of expensive and frustrating box swapping, they (we) "get" the advantages of actives both on a technical level and via our senses.

You should pop in there for a chat, it's a friendly and very informative place..
John Duncan said:
fr0g said:
In a way. Although I'd personally want a little more oomph and better VFM. But I'd be more than happy with such a system on my computer desk 🙂

VFM point taken (though I suspect margins are lower on Naim casings than on MDF boxes). Oomph point - you shouldn't believe everything people tell you.

Don't worry, I don't. I used a 15wpc Bantam t-amp for quite a while to great effect. And while it did distort if I drove it loud, it was perfectly good enough for a computer setup.

As for margins. Possibly, but then I wouldn't want to get in a "weeing"* contest over "total value of parts" compared to retail cost. I think Naim may lose that one badly.

I'd like to hear one at some point though. Although it's probably pretty unlikely ;(

*edit. Better than "EDITED" 🙂
John Duncan said:
ooh.. said:
And to be fair, AVI Forum members are very logical and intelligent guys

And we are not.

ooh.. said:
You should pop in there for a chat

I think the last time he did he was flayed alive, if I recall.
Ah that's not what i suggested, JD. And it certainly isn't what i think either..
Overdose said:
steve_1979 said:
ooh.. said:

Lookin' good Max. 8)

Once you've swapped the bricks for speaker stands all that's left to do is replace the wooden TV stand for a 10" subwoofer...

Max, it looks like you have sold all your worldly possesions for some speakers and a telly. 😉
🙂, it looks very bare, doesn't it.. Better with the stands though. I'm going to get a rug and some curtains at some point..

FrankHarveyHiFi said:
fr0g said:
As a matter of interest what did he upgrade from and to?

So you can continue your p taking? Nah, you're ok. I was originally making a point, and you have to and do the usual AVI thing. Max, this answers something you asked, if you remember - it's when forum members start to sound like their teacher.

I wasn't pee-taking. It was a genuine thought. And I take your "regulars aren't necessarily regular" thing. I guess it's the way you said it that made me chuckle.

I didn't mention AVI either, that was DM, and as Max says, you obviously don't frequent the other place if you think that way about me.

The dark overlord of Avi and I don't really see eye to eye. I find him to be far too often a rambling obsessive if I'm honest...BUT, the quality of the product (ADMs) speaks for itself, and he does have his startling moments of clarity from time to time, in between bouts of fanboyism, and downright hatred of anything from Microsoft, Google, the BBC or remotely left of Maggie Thatcher. I guess in years to come he may end up being known as a "national treasure" 🙂

But actually, I am genuinely interested in the upgrade path your client took.
ooh.. said:
David, if you think fr0g has "a teacher" over on AVI Forum, you're obviously not a regular visitor :O

I was trying to make a point to you Max. You asked why people thought that AVI brainwash. Numerous followers repeat the same stuff, taking every opportunity to belittle successful retailers and hi-fi manufacturers - can you see why now?

And to be fair, AVI Forum members are very logical and intelligent guys who've ended up owning ADM's after years of expensive and frustrating box swapping, they (we) "get" the advantages of actives both on a technical level and via our senses.

You should pop in there for a chat, it's a friendly and very informative place..

As I've said before, I've heard many active speakers, and get their advantages.

I beg to differ on the friendly front. I did join up once to ask why I was unfairly (and unjustly) being slagged off. I didn't find the forum in the least bit friendly, save for a couple of members who I now believe no longer post there. I've seen people join up, voice a different opinion to 'the Father', and are subsequently banned. That's not open discussion.
fr0g said:
As for margins. Possibly, but then I wouldn't want to get in a "weeing"* contest over "total value of parts" compared to retail cost. I think Naim may lose that one badly.

I'd like to hear one at some point though. Although it's probably pretty unlikely ;(

Parts compared to retail cost will never make sense, regardless of the product.

This is another area where the other forum have no idea, they're just repeating what they've been I'll informed about by someone who has a deep seated hatred for the brand.

What I suggest you do Frog, is hop on a plane, and get yourself down to the Naim factory, where they'll give you a tour. You will then see why their products cost what they do. They perform processes that many other manufacturers don't, which takes time. Time costs, as you should know.
fr0g said:
FrankHarveyHiFi said:
fr0g said:
As a matter of interest what did he upgrade from and to?

So you can continue your p taking? Nah, you're ok. I was originally making a point, and you have to and do the usual AVI thing. Max, this answers something you asked, if you remember - it's when forum members start to sound like their teacher.

I wasn't pee-taking. It was a genuine thought. And I take your "regulars aren't necessarily regular" thing. I guess it's the way you said it that made me chuckle.

I didn't mention AVI either, that was DM, and as Max says, you obviously don't frequent the other place if you think that way about me.

The dark overlord of Avi and I don't really see eye to eye. I find him to be far too often a rambling obsessive if I'm honest...BUT, the quality of the product (ADMs) speaks for itself, and he does have his startling moments of clarity from time to time, in between bouts of fanboyism, and downright hatred of anything from Microsoft, Google, the BBC or remotely left of Maggie Thatcher. I guess in years to come he may end up being known as a "national treasure" 🙂

But actually, I am genuinely interested in the upgrade path your client took.
Fr0g, i badmouthed David elswhere the other day and i was out of order, he doesn't post there and couldn't reply. That was wrong of me and i've since apologised to him on there and via email.

Now i'm not saying you're badmouthing Ash, but i don't agree with some of the above comments, and don't think you should be making them here, unless you also make them there, where he can reply. After all, you're not exactly an Apple lover yourself to be fair, and you're very fond of Microsoft, it cuts both ways. That's all i'm saying. No offence...
Can we please cut the 'who said what to whom' chat about other forums. It's both tedious and off-topic.

Thank you 🙂
ooh.. said:
Fr0g, i badmouthed David elswhere the other day and i was out of order because he doesn't post there and couldn't reply. That was wrong of me and i've since apologised to him on there and via email.

Now i'm not saying you're badmouthing Ash, but i don't agree with some of the above comments, and don't think you should be making them here, unless you also make them there, where he can reply. After all, you're not exactly an Apple lover yourself to be fair, and you're very fond of Microsoft, it cuts both ways. That's all i'm saying. No offence...

You are perhaps right, did you think that was too harsh? If so, I'm apologize. I was just trying to point out to David how far from the truth he was with his assertion.

As for Apple, Microsoft, Google etc. I dislike them all. Just some I dislike more than others 🙂
Clare Newsome said:
Can we please cut the 'who said what to whom' chat about other forums. It's both tedious and off-topic.

Thank you 🙂
Understood, mam 🙂
Aaannyywaayyss.....getting back to the topic.

I didn't know much about actives when I was in the market for a home cinema system. But regardless, I don't think I would've bought an active system for home cinema purposes.

I may get into HiFi in the future (when I have more time to listen & do nothing else) & I get bored of movies (unlikely). For me, going the active route seems like an attractive proposition for it. Review of the Dynaudio XEO was very interesting, & I might consider something like that.
I was quite impressed by the Xeos bigboss. They sounded tighter than other Dynaudios, which I welcome. I think that while wireless speakers are never truly wireless, many people will be drawn to the fact that there will only be a mains cable running to each speaker - everything else plugs into the transmitter situated with your sources. I'd say it's about as neat a solution as you can get at the moment, and could kick start demand for this type of product.
Thanks for the extended reply. It helps tremendously in arriving at a decision. I will take it that the Brio leans on the bright side and will take along that track "The Flood" by Katie Melua as a demo song.
ooh.. said:

You should pop in there for a chat, it's a friendly and very informative place..

Yes, as long as you realize it is now the official AVI (Apple) sales web tool, with predictable consequences. Still, as long as you dont mention anything else, other than in derogatory ways, you should be just dandy.

listening-in97 said:
Thanks for the extended reply. It helps tremendously in arriving at a decision. I will take it that the Brio leans on the bright side and will take along that track "The Flood" by Katie Melua as a demo song.

No, I'm most definitely not saying that the Brio is on the lean/bright side.

I'm not always that eloquent/descriptive when I post on forums, especially when I'm rushing first thing in the morning! If you pick this up then let me know and I'll try to explain a bit more step-by-step. The problem is the Apollo coupled with the RS1 speakers which just doesn't work for me (and I do like the RS1's in their own way).

The Apollo is a revealing CDP which to me edges over to brightness. Couple this with the Brio which will extract a lot more detail than my Marantz hooked up to a pair of very revealing speakers = brightness. "The Flood" is an excellent CD to test whatever your partnering it with to test this IMO.
drummerman said:
ooh.. said:

You should pop in there for a chat, it's a friendly and very informative place..

Yes, as long as you realize it is now the official AVI (Apple) sales web tool, with predictable consequences. Still, as long as you dont mention anything else, other than in derogatory ways, you should be just dandy.


you used to sing the praises of avi and the adms, what happened? fwiw, Ash has always been candid enough to mention that the editor of s.o.s. thinks my opals have 'raised the bar' and doesn't get noughty if i say they are better than the 9s. he seems pretty happy to mention a lot of the pro-audio brands in glowing terms too. all that aside, it is a very informative place, i haven't visited any other forums where a manufacturer is happy to spell out exactly what's going on to produce the sound you hear. i think once you accept that he thinks hifi should be just that, high fidelity, and why some things are more hifi than others, then it's easier to see where he's coming from without getting your nose out of joint.
Sizzers said:
listening-in97 said:
Thanks for the extended reply. It helps tremendously in arriving at a decision. I will take it that the Brio leans on the bright side and will take along that track "The Flood" by Katie Melua as a demo song.

No, I'm most definitely not saying that the Brio is on the lean/bright side.

I'm not always that eloquent/descriptive when I post on forums, especially when I'm rushing first thing in the morning! If you pick this up then let me know and I'll try to explain a bit more step-by-step. The problem is the Apollo coupled with the RS1 speakers which just doesn't work for (and I do like the RS1's).

The Apollo is a revealing CDP which to me edges over to brightness. Couple this with the Brio which will extract a lot more detail than my Marantz hooked up to a pair of very revealing speakers = brightness. "The Flood" is an excellent CD to test whatever your partnering it with to test this IMO.

Its been over two years since I've used Rega products but I think it would be fair to say, even taking memory loss at my ripe old age into account, that they tend to sound filigree, fleet of foot, tactile (it took me an hour to come up with these so I hope you appreciate my effort). I dont know if this newest Brio-R is in any way different but 'rich and warm' are not words I would use when describing the Rega house sound. Un-coloured, natural and between/behind the speakers rather than forward probably comes closer. As you moved up the range they became leaner sounding but it was easier to place musicians. Sound stage enlarged but if anything, principal performers went even further back. Subjective frequency extension became greater with clearer, de-lineated bass and tinkly, lovely treble. I remember that quite distincly as I used the same one CD for most comparing, always have done.

Some find them boring compared to others in quick auditions but I think they are a great long term choice for unfatiguing musical enjoyment without feeling you are being steam rollered. If you want grunt I'd perhaps look elsewhere or at least get a sensitive speaker. Their own floorstanders add a bit of weight compared to the standmount, if that has remained the same.

What do I know ... ?

Oh, I have no problem with either their products or Ashley as a person (other than on his forum, on which he is imo unbearable).

The whole thing is to biased. It was somewhat better under Darren but seems to have completely lost its way with Ashley.

Agree though, it can be informative, both with Audio and other subjects and there are some bright people on there (as there are here).

drummerman said:
Oh, I have no problem with either their products or Ashley as a person (other than on his forum, on which he is imo unbearable).

. It was somewhat better under Darren but seems to have completely lost its way with Ashley.

Agree though, it can be informative, both with Audio and other subjects and there are some bright people on there (as there are here).


This isn't particularly and exclusively aimed at you DM, your comment is just handy.

"The whole thing is to[o] biased".

I don't know what people expect the tilt will be on an AVI/HDD forum???????

I expected people to be pretty interested in AVI/ADM products as well as hard disk based music[video] delivery systems.

Guess what I found???????????? Yes, you all win a prize, I found exactly that, a definite tilt towards AVI/ADM products etc., as well as photography, Apple, sheds, music, video/film, ad infinitum.

A lot of people are Apple, AVI/ADM and hard drive[wireless] conformist but not exclusively. Loads of other manufacturers products are mentioned and promoted without howls of derision and generally arguments/conversations are conducted in a much more civilised manner. There is the odd person that, I certainly can't stand but there are many more on here.

As to brainwashing and being less complimentary about some other products. Well ADM speakers haven't been about for that long so most owners are likely to have come to them from many years of and many different manufacturers of traditional HiFi. I certainly did.

So how did they get brainwashed? They didn't, but some people think so because they, fundamentally, speak with one voice, one listening experience. They love them and despite, often vitriolic, statements to the contrary, are prepared to stand up for what they believe in. It is just so poor for people to dismiss this as Ashley brainwashing. But I suppose it reassures those who live in denial of a better[?] way of listening.

If detractors are so convinced of the rightness of their way/system/products why get so vitriolic about AVI/ADM? ADM owners have no product to sell, can all the detractors say the same?

Thank you for listening.
Why can't this all be 'thrashed out' on the AVI forum?

Why does WHF? have to be the 'forum of choice' for arguing about AVI forum politics and personalities?

No-one comes here to moan about the Naim forum's business or Hifi Wigwam issues.

Please take it home to where it belongs.


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