Hi All,
This is my first post on the forum. And full disclaimer: I own a speaker manufacturing company. So, take my opinions with this clearly in mind. I didn't read through every single post, but perhaps I can propose a slightly different thesis than what has already been discussed.
Might it be that active speakers are helping to create new audiophiles and expanding the hi-fi market, rather than displacing established product categories?
I manufacture high-end active studio monitors. They are fairly renowned in the professional audio world (Not trying to brag. Just stating a widely repeated sentiment). So far, we have done absolutely no advertising outside of the pro audio market. Nonetheless, every week I get more and more inquires and sales coming from hi-fi customers. The questions I get from these folks very often center around minimalist "computer audiophile" setups [computer/server -> DAC/processer -> active speakers]. I also get the impression that most of them are very tech savvy professionals, but relatively new to hi-fi. They’ve googled every imaginable product and approach on the planet and arrived at us as part of their minimalist solution.
So, I would argue that a lot of these people would have ended up with "lifestyle" systems had they not found the kind of streamline, high-end, computer audio focused products that weren't available just a few years ago. Does this sound reasonable?
Btw, this seems like a very vibrant and informative forum. I don't have much experience with the hi-fi community and I think this will be a great place to learn!