Are separates on borrowed time?

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Haven't read all the latest, but in response to the OP, in terms of pure sound-per-pound, a pair of good IEM's like the Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 with an iPod touch and Spotify makes many mid-priced hifi systems look like poor value.

That said, for me a good hi-fi is about more than the most accurate sound for the least money. It's more than just a product. It's like a musical instrument with its own character, something that becomes a part of your (and your family's) life. It's one of the few items that's built to last and that you can keep for years. I have a house full of cheap, semi-disposable furniture and gadgets and gizmos that are constantly out-of-date, and I don't do ornaments and trinkets, so the hi-fi and a nice acoustic rug is the only physical object of real quality/permanence in my living space.
relocated said:
Yes indeed you can but be careful with any 'bigging up' of your company

To be fair, bigging up your own company is fine, it's the doing down of other companies and those who buy their products that's a no-no.

EDIT - as a manufacturer, that is. The hoi polloi can do it all they like.
John Duncan said:
relocated said:
Yes indeed you can but be careful with any 'bigging up' of your company

To be fair, bigging up your own company is fine, it's the doing down of other companies and those who buy their products that's a no-no.

EDIT - as a manufacturer, that is. The hoi polloi can do it all they like.

So would (say) saying "Cambridge Audio are rubbish, and the people who buy it are muppets" be okay?


*I love CA by the way to avoid any confusion for anyone with a humour bypass chip.
fr0g said:
So would (say) saying "Cambridge Audio are rubbish, and the people who buy it are muppets" be okay?


*I love CA by the way to avoid any confusion for anyone with a humour bypass chip.

Yes it would. I'd disagree with you, there'd be a bit of a fight, we'd agree to disagree, then we'd go for a beer. See, easy really.
John Duncan said:
fr0g said:
So would (say) saying "Cambridge Audio are rubbish, and the people who buy it are muppets" be okay?


*I love CA by the way to avoid any confusion for anyone with a humour bypass chip.

Yes it would. I'd disagree with you, there'd be a bit of a fight, we'd agree to disagree, then we'd go for a beer. See, easy really.

Good, mines an IPA then. :cheers:

(which incidentaly they pronouce as "eepah" in Sweden...hmm
barefoot_sound said:
steve_1979 said:
The bloke who works at my local pro-audio shop told me that over the past couple of years he's started selling quite a few active monitors to people who want to upgrade their expensive separates hifi systems to something that sounds better. I think that people are gradually waking up to the idea that active speakers are usually better than passives and offer good value for money.

I’m not so sure that active speakers "usually" sound better than passives. There are many active speakers that cut way too many corners IMO. So active doesn't necessarily lead to better. However, I do think active speakers offer the potential of much better performance. There are things that one can achieve with an active design that simply can't be done passively. Most of the key design aspects of my speakers are only possible because they are active. But that's still not enough to design a world class speaker. Active doesn't preclude the need for great engineering, great materials, quality construction, etc. - just like any great passive system.

I think you're right about actives offering better value in theory. In practice, a great speaker doesn't come cheap or easy regardless of the approach.

Yes I agree, I've heard some active speakers that aren't very good too.

I think that in future I'll start using the phrase "active speakers offer the potential of better performance than passives" more often. 🙂
Thomas, what is the level of interest in (and demand for) 'domestic'* active loudspeaker systems among consumers in the USA?

Are there any USA manufacturers making active hi-fi loudspeaker systems that are acceptable (aesthetically) in living rooms/lounges and that are designed for typical hi-fi listening distances? (As opposed to desktop speakers or near field monitors.)

*Domestic as in home hi-fi rather than domestic studio/recording/mixing.
relocated said:
Yes indeed you can but be careful with any 'bigging up' of your company otherwise you just might get accused of creating a cult and brainwashing poor innocents. I hope you don't have your own forum where you ban nay-sayers and do brainwashing?? 🙂 :cheers:

Hi relocate,

No, I don’t have my own forum. And I feel pretty confident in my manhood .... emm .... I mean my opinions. ;-) So I’m perfectly willing to take criticism, learn from my mistakes and/or defend my positions, whichever it may be.

I know how to comport myself. My business actually spawned out of participation in other internet forums geared toward recording. I started out just trying to learn about recording techniques. But I wound up becoming known as barefoot the speaker guru - having built speakers as a hobby all my life (besides being educated as a physicist). Through all those forum discussions I was able to develop a fairly novel approach to monitor design and it has caught on. Unless I'm in compete self-denial, I don't think I’ve ever done anything remotely akin to "brainwashing". I think I've tried to be as honest and forthright as possible, sharing the best information I know and presenting as many sides of any issues as best I can. I like to think my designs have caught on because people see and hear the logic in my approach.

Now that I’m getting interested in hi-fi, it only makes sense for me to try and replicate the path that lead me to success in pro audio. Despite all the banter, there is a great deal to be learned on forums like this. You know this. That's why you’re here, right? (insert joke reply here!) I've learned so much from the recording forums. Fundamentally, I think I was able to take the collective wisdom floating around those sites and synthesize it into a cohesive vision, an actual physical manifestation. So when people see and hear my speakers, they very often say something to the effect of "yes, this is exactly what I've needed, only I could have never articulated it". And I consider that my job, to articulate people’s needs in my chosen field of expertise.

So am I here for my own self-interest? Of course. Aren't we all in one way or another? I'm aiming to pick everyone's brain a little in order to learn as much as possible about hi-fi. Ultimately, I hope my participation here will help me spark new designs that an even wider group of people feel a fundamental connection with. Besides my daughter, nothing in life makes me more happy. In the same token I'm happy to participate and share my knowledge as freely as I’m able.

Anyhow, that’s where I'm coming from.

Cheers, 8)

chebby said:
Thomas, what is the level of interest in (and demand for) 'domestic'* active loudspeaker systems among consumers in the USA?

Are there any USA manufacturers making active hi-fi loudspeaker systems that are acceptable (aesthetically) in living rooms/lounges and that are designed for typical hi-fi listening distances? (As opposed to desktop speakers or near field monitors.)

*Domestic as in home hi-fi rather than domestic studio/recording/mixing.

Hi chebby,

I honestly have no idea. My gut tells me the current interest is small but growing fast. Although, I have no data to back it up. What’s your take on the UK?

As far as what other companies are doing, I don’t really know about that either. I’m just starting to introduce myself to home audio. And in a certain sense, I don’t care what other people are doing. I mean, if really cool things are being done, I certainly want to learn from those efforts. But it doesn’t scare me if it turns out that there isn’t much of a current market or I’m one of the first to a particular game.

When I introduced my monitors the initial reaction was people scratching their heads and saying “what the *bleep* are those?” Nobody says that anymore. So I think you just have to forge your own path and not worry too much about what your competitors are doing - or even what potential customers might be expecting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty competitive and I want to be seen as the very BEST. But I believe the right way to get there is to push myself to the limit rather than chasing someone else’s tail. And my job is also to show people a new path that they may have never thought of before. Hopefully I can get there. And hopefully people will respond positively.

After that beating around the bush, I guess I'm basically saying that I have no good forecast of where all this active speaker stuff is heading and you're guess is probably every bit as good as mine!

barefoot_sound said:
After that beating around the bush, I guess I'm basically saying that I have no good forecast of where all this active speaker stuff is heading and you're guess is probably every bit as good as mine!


it seems most the people who've made the switch are pretty sold on them. it would probably help if they looked nice. 🙂
Craig M. said:
barefoot_sound said:
After that beating around the bush, I guess I'm basically saying that I have no good forecast of where all this active speaker stuff is heading and you're guess is probably every bit as good as mine!


it seems most the people who've made the switch are pretty sold on them.

Hope your right Craig 🙂
barefoot_sound said:
Hi relocate,

No, I don’t have my own forum. And I feel pretty confident in my manhood .... emm .... I mean my opinions. ;-) So I’m perfectly willing to take criticism, learn from my mistakes and/or defend my positions, whichever it may be.

I know how to comport myself. My business actually spawned out of participation in other internet forums geared toward recording. I started out just trying to learn about recording techniques. But I wound up becoming known as barefoot the speaker guru - having built speakers as a hobby all my life (besides being educated as a physicist). Through all those forum discussions I was able to develop a fairly novel approach to monitor design and it has caught on. Unless I'm in compete self-denial, I don't think I’ve ever done anything remotely akin to "brainwashing". I think I've tried to be as honest and forthright as possible, sharing the best information I know and presenting as many sides of any issues as best I can. I like to think my designs have caught on because people see and hear the logic in my approach.

Now that I’m getting interested in hi-fi, it only makes sense for me to try and replicate the path that lead me to success in pro audio. Despite all the banter, there is a great deal to be learned on forums like this. You know this. That's why you’re here, right? (insert joke reply here!) I've learned so much from the recording forums. Fundamentally, I think I was able to take the collective wisdom floating around those sites and synthesize it into a cohesive vision, an actual physical manifestation. So when people see and hear my speakers, they very often say something to the effect of "yes, this is exactly what I've needed, only I could have never articulated it". And I consider that my job, to articulate people’s needs in my chosen field of expertise.

So am I here for my own self-interest? Of course. Aren't we all in one way or another? I'm aiming to pick everyone's brain a little in order to learn as much as possible about hi-fi. Ultimately, I hope my participation here will help me spark new designs that an even wider group of people feel a fundamental connection with. Besides my daughter, nothing in life makes me more happy. In the same token I'm happy to participate and share my knowledge as freely as I’m able.

Anyhow, that’s where I'm coming from.

Cheers, 8)

Selling something soon?
Graham_Thomas said:
Selling something soon?

I don't think there's any hidden agenda here. It's refreshing to have someone so knowledgeable & giving honest opinions for all of us to learn. In the process, Thomas will learn about Hi Fi from us as well. If that then translates to a Hi Fi product, then that's good. It will be made after listening to the end user. This is not the first time here. EB Acoustics has made nice speakers after listening to forum members. Barefoot isn't anywhere close to making HiFi speakers yet, but even if, then it's great!
bigboss said:
In the process, Thomas will learn about Hi Fi from us as well.

I wouldn't be so presumptious as to think for a moment that an entrepreneur and designer/manufacturer of a range of active studio monitors is going to need help from us in cracking the domestic hi-fi scene in a market few of us* have any experience in (even as consumers).

*I can only think of exceptions like AE Jim (who also makes these alongside consumer hi-fi speakers) and... err... that's it really. He's the only regular on these forums who springs to mind who someone like Thomas could possibly learn anything from about catering for domestic and studio markets (from the point of view of a working professional with experience of both).
Craig M. said:
it would probably help if they looked nice. 🙂


Good quality, properly designed active studio monitors have the potential to sound better than an equivalently priced passive hifi setup. The biggest problem with studio monitors is that most of them look totally hideous.

I think that anyone who can make a good looking speaker with grills and veneers that sounds like the good pro audio monitors could potentially be onto a winner.
I like what you've contributed so far, Mr Barefoot! Don't suppose you fancy making, say, a £1k pair of active standmounts for the EU market? That could cause some uproar. Would be interesting to see how big such a product could be with a spokesperson like yourself behind it.

steve_1979 said:
I think that in future I'll start using the phrase "active speakers offer the potential of better performance than passives" more often. 🙂

Good idea.

steve_1979 said:
Good quality, properly designed active studio monitors have the potential to sound better than an equivalently priced passive hifi setup.

Ah, still refining it? 🙂 I agree though!
Yes, we've gone from blanket "active sound better than passives" to properly designed ones sounding better...I'm not singling out Steve's post specifically, but for a long time I used to read how just about any old pair of actives from about £100 up would lick just about any passives off the floor.

Not quite so methinks...


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