newlash09 said:
CnoEvil said:
Is it New, Ex-dem or pre-owned? Warrenty?
If it's not new, your friend would need to hear it.
Apparently only run in the dealers showroom for 200 hrs. And supposed to be in immaculate condition. But my friend is not at all into hifi. So he won't know what to look for. Apparently the dealer has a very reliable rating online . The price has dropped to USD 2995/- as of today. So all looks good, except my friends ability to lug it back. He asked me for an alternative lighter suggestion, just in case he couldn't swing the deal. I asked him for a McIntosh ma252. Presently available for USD 3500 in the USA. And is lighter and smaller at 14 kgs. So will depend on what my friend can accommodate. I think he will lean towards the McIntosh. But either way iam okay I think. Couldn't ask him for more.
The McIntosh doesn't officially have any reviews yet. But user experiences online are very positive. Apparently the first lot has flown off the shelves , and dealers are waiting for restocking. So I guess it should be sounding good. And may be just may be it has some tube magic that i set out looking for
The Electro is much heavier for a very good reason. *smile*
I just noticed that it's the
MA 252 integrated amp that you are interested in not the
MC 252 power amp you originally posted, this makes a big difference as the
MA252 is a much lower powered hybrid amp not a full valve amp.
I would definitely go for the ECI5 mk2 over the
MA252, the McIintosh looks like a very complicated design with plenty to go wrong unlike the older bullet proof McIintosh models .
I have no doubt that it will sound good but it might not give you what you want.
Go for the Electro first and if you don't like it ( very doubtful ) move it on for no loss and try the McIntosh.