Any Experience with Avondale Audio Power Supplies

True Blue

New member
Oct 18, 2008
Hi all, just doing a bit of research (upgrade pending @ XMAS), have listened to my system with the addition of a Naim Hicap powering the 202 and the differences are not subtle

But....... according to the blurb on Avondale's site their TPX ( has a greater performance than the Hi cap and cost approx £600 as opposed to £1100.


the TPX2 ( which comes in at approx £900 (still cheaper than the Hi Cap), which I am assuming (may be wrong) is the direct competition to the Supercap.

Has anyone any experience of these power supplies compared to the HI cap or Supercap?
Prob not the best forum to ask on. I'd ask on the more Naim-oriented forums (bar the official one or you'll get slapped!)

Also, if you're looking at Avondale why not also Teddy Pardo?

Completely off-topic, but can you tell me how long your NAP200 took to 'run-in'?

I have had mine for less than two weeks, and its getting better, but quite slowly. That said, the PreXPdQx is a new unti also, and from previous experience with Cyrus, it took several weeks to come on-song.

my system is a naim cd3.5, a naim nac 102 preamp(mint, late 202) naim nap180. linn keilidh speakers with ugraded tweeters. was the late model preamp upgraded from the original first additions? it was unnused and boxed for a long time before i bought it. it does sound cold and a bit bright but ive only had it a couple of days will the sound get warmer and less harsh if i leave it on with no music playing constanly? i have the option of buying a used napsc for it for £60, and a taddy pardo power supply for£100. i had never heard of teddy pardo until i bought the102 preamp. are they any good as i cant find any reviews to compare with hicaps. also, would the napsc make much of a difference to the sound of my system? can u also recommend suitable second hand speakers for around £500-700 as i feel my keilidhs are about to show their limitations. i will change them further down the line when funds allow. its a big improvement from when i recently had my nac92. will the 92 be worth more if i converted it back to a nait 3. will take the phono boards out for the 102. any help would be appreciated. thanks :quest:


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