Question Linear power supply with audio-grade cap is any better than similar high-quality ones?


Jan 30, 2022
I had a big online fight with this guy making so-called “hi-end” linear power supply.
I said the capacitors he’s using in his LPS should not provide better DC output than the same parameter capacitors!
I challenged him to show the oscilioscope of his LPS DC output measurement but he tried to avoid.
I don’t see the neccesity to use audio-grade capacitors in the LPS.
Additionally, this guy and some of his friends argued that LPS is essential and should improve SQ when using to power ethernet switch, and DC-powered equipments in the chain of audio system.
Does anyone here has experience and knowleage to prove me wrong!?
Does anyone here has experience and knowleage to prove me wrong!?
I hope I'm not leaping to conclusions, but it sounds just a little like you might be considering re-starting that 'big online fight' here - that won't be allowed to happen.

Regarding the points you seek to address - out of my area of expertise, I'm afraid. Maybe someone else will have something to add.
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I had a big online fight with this guy making so-called “hi-end” linear power supply.
I said the capacitors he’s using in his LPS should not provide better DC output than the same parameter capacitors!
When i built my class D amplifiers last year, i was unable to obtain the Panasonic capacitors i usually use, and had to purchase Nichicon Fine Gold. The Panasonic capacitors are higher performance than the Nichicon FG and dearer too. The Nichicons are gold in colour, and look the part.

I challenged him to show the oscilioscope of his LPS DC output measurement but he tried to avoid.
Oh yes. When you ask for any measurements of the LPSU, they never appear. The vendor never provides any technical specifications. Any engineering requires that you know the technical specifications of what you are purchasing. Yet for Hifi, they are never provided.

I don’t see the neccesity to use audio-grade capacitors in the LPS.
There is no need.

Additionally, this guy and some of his friends argued that LPS is essential and should improve SQ when using to power ethernet switch, and DC-powered equipments in the chain of audio system.
Does anyone here has experience and knowleage to prove me wrong!?
Bits are bits, and an LPS will not improve the "sound" of digital switches.

In the end, the LPS vendor never provides the tech specs, so you have to take it on subjective faith, with all the problems of placebo effect, or expectation bias.

So don't worry about. You cannot prove anything wrong, if they can never prove themselves right. If they want to believe what ever it is, then ok, but false information should be challenged.

Thought so, thanks for clarification. I'd be more worried about its life span rather than anything else. I have heard of the ones you used in your amp build and can see the point there.
I cannot see the point in an LPS
The Panasonic capacitors were electrolytics, and i had to replace with Nichicon. Although they are both polarised, electrolytics, the Nichicons (for example) get the label "audio grade" due to their cult following. Black Gate were another, from memory.

Electrolytics are used in an LPSU, but the "audio grade" label is to entice the subjectivists.

Is their such a thing as an Audio grade capacitor?
Why would you want to use any that are in a power supply and not in an Audio circuit?
I don’t know! There is a small line written on the caps saying “audio capacitor”! So i just assumed!
I also don’t know why “audio capacitors” used and want to see measurements. But the guy made this never show nothing to me!
I hope I'm not leaping to conclusions, but it sounds just a little like you might be considering re-starting that 'big online fight' here - that won't be allowed to happen.

Regarding the points you seek to address - out of my area of expertise, I'm afraid. Maybe someone else will have something to add.
No! That’s not what i’m doing! I’m seeking the answer from real experts, not trying to re-start the new fight here. Since that fight was started and ended within a Vietnamese facebook group, so they won’t see my post here. Don’t worry!
I hope I'm not leaping to conclusions, but it sounds just a little like you might be considering re-starting that 'big online fight' here - that won't be allowed to happen.

Regarding the points you seek to address - out of my area of expertise, I'm afraid. Maybe someone else will have something to add.
I also tried to search for LPS review on, but I’ve never found one! Is that because you guys also don’t see it have any effects on audio equipments, etc…
I don’t know! There is a small line written on the caps saying “audio capacitor”! So i just assumed!
I also don’t know why “audio capacitors” used and want to see measurements. But the guy made this never show nothing to me!
In the 1980's, Electronics Today International (ETI) ran a project called System A amplifier designed by Stan Curtis. It was a very beefy amplifier design.

The design used Sprague Computer Grade capacitors for the power supply. Did it mean that Computer Grade capacitors were better than something else ? Were Sprague better than any other make ?

Whenever a piece of equipment is designed, the specifications of the components are used to select the most appropriate one. You can call them Audio Grade, or Computer Grade, or whatever you like, but they still must meet the specification.

Only in Hifi is there a cult following, or an unwritten unspecified undefined requirement on components that must be used in hifi equipment.

There are £4k power supplies - specialist hifi ones which are used to power digital electronics. I have yet to see the specification sheet for it. To me, that speaks volumes. It is a faith based product.

So you will never see the measurements as you have requested. Hifi can be a foo market.



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