ellisdj said:
Your twisting my words and changing things not deliberately I am sure
I didnt say 49 people hearing a difference is scientifically proven thats just what happened on the day in a sighted listening test.
apologies if it came across like that, not meant like that. However, I do believe that you have used the fact the 49 people heard a difference, and therefore you have come to the conclusion that it was because of the product, even though nothing was done to remove any form of bias. I'm saying it would folly to say that it *was* the product exclusively because you haven't tried to rule anything else out. I'm not saying that the product was not responsible for the change however, don't get me wrong, just that if you want to establish if it does make a difference, then there is a lot more to it that a demo like the one you went to, which was basically a sales pitch.
ellisdj said:
But I am saying that correctly done ABX Blind testing at Harman actually scientifically proved if people think its best they hear it as best when sighted - but when tested blind the outcome is different. 30 years of testing all different people proved that.
That was proved correctly under correct scientific ABX conditions - so that is proven when it comes to hifi. No disputing that from me I cant.
quest would dispute it though, he already has, maybe ask him
ellisdj said:
Let me clarify what that test proved - it proved that in hifi we perceive something as "better" which can influence our perceptions to think something sounds better than something else when actually it doesnt. This was not a does or doesnt it make a difference test - one was actually better than the other in this testing.
If that is the case and it is because its proven - if there is a placebo or 2 products with no difference and the person sighted testing them thinks one is better it Has to sound betterto them, it cant sound worse to them. Thats been proven
it can though, and I have already given you reasons and a hypothetical why. Again, refer to the fact of sample size.
ellisdj said:
But how do you account for all the instances like what happened with Quest, CNo has brought them up I have experienced it and I bet everyone has.
We plug in what we think is better and therefore expect better sound but what we hear is actually worse.
The only way this can be the case as is proven in the Harman testing one has to be better than the other - they cant be the same
ellis - Im not repeating myself again, sorry. I've already explained. You are trying to compare a 30 year double blind study to a single instance of somebody doing a sighted test in their home. The sample size is not comparable, you can't compare one and use it for the other.
Unless you are admitting that the Isotek demo was all just a placebo?