Amp recommendations

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plastic penguin said:
ellisdj said:
PP 6th today did you buy the Tucana?

No. I'm waiting a reply from Macspur to see whether I can hear his Accuphase. No other way of hearing one.

You will also be hearing his Harbeths, unless you can connect your PMCs.
plastic penguin said:
Hi Mac.

I can do either Monday or the following weekend. It's whatever is best for you.


PP, sorry I've been away for a couple of days... Monday afternoon suits me, but if that's too short notice now, the following Sunday would be OK.

Feel free to bring your speakers and amp.

CnoEvil said:
Andrewjvt said:
I would also like to hear his setup

It's the very epitome of a "Musical System"....more Natural than Neutral.

The only thing that lets it down is my listening room, but I'm just grateful to have one.

@Andrew, you're welcome to any time.


No problem. Hope you had a good time.

Can't make tomorrow. Spent most of the weekend putting a garden shed for the ma-in-law. Think I'll sleep for the next two days. Completely cream crackered.

So next Sunday sounds good. I'll try and contact WHFI for your email address, if that's okay with you.

Cheers, PP
plastic penguin said:
Could be, Cno. Then again the Leema and PMCs will be so out of their depth by comparison.

Probably, but you just never know.

I have been surprised by results on many occasions.
If it was a boxing match you could say my combo has a "punchers chance", but realistically....

Macs amp and speakers new are about 4k each and my combo was about £1250 new. If I was a betting man, however much I admire my system, I would put it in Mac's set-up.
plastic penguin said:
....I am considering Leema Tucana, Creek Destiny (or the newer 100A), Naim XS2... whatever amp is chosen needs to synergize with PMC TB2i.....

I would say XS2 all the way!

Previously, I was a bit of a Naim hater. Having demo'd many amps in the last 10 years (probably 15-20) I had written them off as being good but totally overpriced and overhyped. About 3 years ago I demo'd the Nait 5si comparing it to my Rotel RA03 I owned at the time in a dealers listening room and was completely underwhelmed considering the 5si was more than double the cost of the RA03.

About 2 years ago I bought a Roksan Caspian M2 but matching it with my other components listed below was a mess and one of my worst ever listening experiences.

Between friends and home demo's over the next 2 weeks I also managed to try an older Sugden (which was quite a good match), an Elicit-R (again good but lacking something), a Creek Evolution (not my cup of tea) and the XS2.

The XS2 compared to all the others was a breath of fresh air, powerful but with a great deal of finesse is about the best way I can describe it and to my ears made all the other comparisons look like sub £1000 offerings which my old RA03 could have given a run for their money.
plastic penguin said:
If it was a boxing match you could say my combo has a "punchers chance", but realistically....

Macs amp and speakers new are about 4k each and my combo was about £1250 new. If I was a betting man, however much I admire my system, I would put it in Mac's set-up.

...and a CDP that's not too shabby either (one of the best I've heard)..'s still (just about) possible that you might prefer PMCs presentation to that of will certainly hear what they can do.

I expect the Pulse to be outclassed, though.
plastic penguin said:

No problem. Hope you had a good time.

Can't make tomorrow. Spent most of the weekend putting a garden shed for the ma-in-law. Think I'll sleep for the next two days. Completely cream crackered.

So next Sunday sounds good. I'll try and contact WHFI for your email address, if that's okay with you.

Cheers, PP

That's fine, don't blame you. Yes, no problem.


Macs CDP, I agree, should be fantastic. However, as my main source is vinyl it's largely irrelevant. The point of the exercise is to get a taste of a proper amp: So many good things read, yet I can't catagorically say if that conjecture is justified until I hear one at first hand, regardless of speakers and source.

FWIW, the Pulse more than holds its own around the 2k mark, but we are talking about a different league with the Accuphase.
Macspur said:
plastic penguin said:

No problem. Hope you had a good time.

Can't make tomorrow. Spent most of the weekend putting a garden shed for the ma-in-law. Think I'll sleep for the next two days. Completely cream crackered.

So next Sunday sounds good. I'll try and contact WHFI for your email address, if that's okay with you.

Cheers, PP

That's fine, don't blame you. Yes, no problem.


Thanks Mac. I'll contact the powers that be by Tuesday. *good*
All I can say at this early stage - its only been playing for about half an hour - is it's meatier than the pulse, creates more emotion... yet still retains that familiar taut, fast bass. The Pulse is a watered down Tucana. Fantastic.

Back to reality: Out to work to pay for the darn thing.


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