Vladimir said:
drummerman said:
I'd go Tucana. Integrated and all the amp anyone would ever need.
Mind, a Hifi Shop Manager, Musician and Acquaintance said the same about NAD's baby 315BEE and he was probably right.
Keep it simple.
In that spirit might as well stick with the Pulse. Why go deeper into the rabbit hole?
Looking at the amount of money he has to spend to get a Tucana MKii, totally agree. Stick with the Pulse.
Someone else I know has had his Olive Naims for ever. He's happy and no intention to change anything. Successful guy, good job, drives a vintage Porsche and single (that probably make the biggest difference
🙂. He probably could get a real High-End system in monetary terms.
He also, to my knowledge, doesn't hang out on hifi forums. Another contributing factor for a happy life.