Am I making good choice?


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Jul 26, 2008
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Hi ipri

I may get shot down in flames here but here goes anyway, if you have any doubt do not buy and that goes for any set as you have read for yourself some readers have kicked themselves for buying the sony only to have problems, however alot of readers have this set and are well pleased with it, but i do think if you have doubts then hang on a bit make sure you are 100% happy with what you see, take DVDs have a play check out SD Channels, try to get to a dealer they will look after you better, any problem can arise from any make, but the sonys have been hammered some what, at the end of the day you are spending alot of money, and the way things are at the moment, you need to be confident, personally i would not buy a sony.


True Blue

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Oct 18, 2008
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If you have seen the set and like it then go for it. There are only a couple of defective units going around and the forums make it look like many many more. Remember there are plenty of good sets out there as well. As WHF say if it is properly calibrated then the sets they have had have been no problem. Make sure you buy from a retailer that will be happy to exchange the unit if clouding occurs. Good luck