Native_bon said:
NOTE from MODS - Thread pruned to remove all posts with personal references to other members cleary designed to antagonise and cause more unrest. If members cannot refrain from this behaviour, the thread will be locked
I have noticed so many questions regarding cables. Why would this be.. Are people just trying to sabotage or rubbish this forum, or are people disappointed with thier new HIFI. Cause does not seem like coincidence? Too many cables topics. :?
Interesting but not entirely constructive.
Getting back to the point as to why there are so many cable threads, I think there are several reasons, most have to do with the fact that a fair part of the industry promotes cables and their percieved differences as hugely important, when in fact they are not. The best that can be said is that, in very good, high resolution systems, the small difference between cables can be used for fine tuning, in budget or mid-fi systems the money is far better spent elsewhere.
There is, however, a widespread belief among entusiasts thar cables can make or break a system and this can be a rather distracting issue. Time, I think for another DDC anecdote.
Back when I was a dealer, we attracted a lot of customers of a certain type, they knew what we did and what we sold and were happy to go with that, but we would also, from time to time, get a different type of person.
They would ask about all the latest highly reviewed product, have a shortlist drawn up from recent editions of WHF and find themselves surprised that we did not sell any of it. We would explain that we had what we thought were better options, and quite often offer to play them a system that fitted their requirements but contained none of the latest 5* products.
Whilst they may have been impressed with the setup, they would not trust what they had heard for themselves and leave without buying. A month or two later they would return, explaining that they had a 'problem'. They would describe their system, all 5* products of course, and how they 'didn't seem to be getting the best from it'....... :wall:
We would be asked to recommend a cable or two that would sort out all their issues but when we explained that the system was poorly chosen, badly matched and that no cable on earth could make it sound decent (we used more diplomatic language of course) they would get upset. Usually they would quote 'chapter and verse' from various reviews but when we asked how it sounded to them, we would get the usual 'it's really good but....." response. Ie it sound like complete cack.
Manufacturers and dealers got away with a lot back then (and some still do) selling equipment that in reality was quite mediocre, but that was not their fault, it was your's for using the 'wrong' cables........ :doh: