I've owned one of the original (non-tuner) Classiks from new...I guess that must be 9 or 10 years or thereabouts now. Prior to that I had a Cambridge/Musical Fidelity/Michell/Mission system but circumstances dictated a change to a one box unit. It kept me pretty happy until recently when I've had chance to revert back to a separates system (which currently the Classik is still supplying the pre-amp/CD portion of until various bits arrive).
If I had the opportunity and means, I would always go for a separates system - but that's not to put the Classik down. I don't know about later units when the tuner was added and whatever other changes were made, but the original Classik was pretty good stuff in its day and, despite the emergence of competitors, can still hold its own IMHO.
I don't know how true it is, but I have read in various places that the more recent Classiks are not as good sonically, so it may be worth listening to an older unit too if you get the chance.