DIB said:CJSF said:Her is a blast from the past, digging through the old LP's again this afternoon, always been a fan of Sandy Nelson, but only ever had this one LP . . . This has not seen the light of day since the early eighties, I put it on out of nostalgia . . . wow!!! drive, dynamics, attack, 'sharp as' !!!! . . . Its typically an early 60's recording left, right and middle, but the cleanliness and leading edges are outstanding. Its a 'best of' record . . . so the sources could be dubious, however with such a clean transcription I suspect its in the main from original master tapes, almost certainly valve equipment, no digital messing about, simply, Sandy giving a personal performance in your music room. Fall over it in a boot sale, worth a £1, it will blow the cobwebs off your system, trust me.
I've heard most of these tracks on CD and downloads, they simply dont compare!!!
'Best of Sandy Nelson', put this link up cos the site wont let me put a picture in:
Allow me..
Thanks 'DIB', you are Gent . . . 🙂 CJSF