What is on your hi-fi wishlist?


Well-known member
Feb 18, 2008
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I'm looking for a Thorens TD2035 in black for my Tag McLaren system. They never come up for sale on eBay etc. I don't think they were a popular model.

I've just bought a replacement Ortofon Cadenza Blue cartridge to replace a defective Kontrapunkt B. It was purchased 19 years ago but only had 100 hours usage so I was sad about its demise. Some consolation is that I only paid £430 and it had a trade in value of £285 against the Cadenza Blue.

I've had to put a tight control on my hi-fi spending as it got out of control.
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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2023
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On the subject of uncontrolled hi-fi spending, I pray nothing goes wrong with my car in the next three years.
I may become a pedestrian. And thanks to you all, I also purchased a mains conditioner/surge protector. There is going to be a lot of problems soon as here in the U.K. The National Grid is being massively overhauled. There will be hundreds of connects and disconnects. So take heed.
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What about this player?

Never seen this before and it does look incredible. There's also a bigger version:



Well-known member
Apr 17, 2024
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Never seen this before and it does look incredible. There's also a bigger version:

Review above. The bigger version looks awesome too.
What about this player?

Slightly cheaper there is this...


Well-known member
My wish list?

I think I have everything, sure changing this or changing that might improve the sound further but keep hearing the little voice in my head, "No Jason". I was thinking of changing Panasonic 50" TV to 65" glorious OLED, "No Jason" Ask me again 6-12 months, hopefully I'm still holding on to the old Panasonic!

I was missing the harmonic distortion from vinyl, I even tried to write on a clean blackboard with chalk, cccceeeeek, ceeeek, ceeeek, nah wasn't the same, so I kept thinking harmonic harmonic harmonic distortion, where can I find it?
I don't want to spend guz-zillions on a turntable and starting up a new record collection. Man I need my shot, then the cat whacked me on the head with his food bowl, "FEED ME!"
Something clicked. Yes Eureka! Tube amps have harmonic distortion! Without further ado, I ordered my tube amp. I got my fix but maybe I need to show up at my local HiFi Anonymous Meetings, I need help man :ROFLMAO:


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