up in smoke


New member
Aug 10, 2019
got my sansui au 417 today off ebay pluged it in and 3 mins into playing and sounding very nice indeed.i spoted a small plume of smoke coming from the top grill of the amp.switched off and removed the top of the amp lots of dust and some of the glue was loose in the case.so put it back together and took it to my loacl hi-fi service shop.he,s takeing a look and phoneing me back today.if all ok it will get a full service.if not its with a heavy heart going back[🙁].
Hopefully if the amp hasn't been used in a while it'll just be accumulated dust burning off as the amp gets hot. Quick blast with an air hose might be all it needs.
Yeah, had a similar problem with an amp bought off ebay, usual problem of dust build up. Annoying but does happen I guess, hope your guy manages to sort it out for you
2 Capacitors a lot of dry soiler joints and negotiation with e bay seller.
best bit of ebay luck ever.i got the seller to phone the shop where the amp was.he did and has refunded me the total cost of the repair to my paypall account.im a happy man
That's what you want - is this the AU-417 that was on Ebay recently? Good on your seller for doing the decent thing.
it was the one on ebay.the seller has been very helpfull.record how did you get on with your 717
It's currently doing the duties rather well thanks. Sounds as good as I'd hoped it would and really chuffed I've got the chance to hear it doing its thing. Very "honest" amp - doesn't hide anything away and way above anything I've had before, by a long way at that!
that good stuff .i can not wait to get the 417 back middle of next week with luck.i have a au217 ,au2200 and the new one.buying the sansui amps is the best move i have made in hifi in a long time.i only played the 417 for about 3 mins before the smoke .but it sounded very nice and that was with all the problems.
Yep, they're built to last alright; my 717 had a bunch of well corroded capacitors inside, which the guy doing the service replaced throughout. Sounds amazing now, but it wasn't too shabby before!
yes the guy at the service shop was amazed that the 2 big capacitors on the mono cards where corroded and leaking one had no reading the other very low.yet the amp still worked no hum buzz. the amp only ran into problems when the volume was pushed a bit
That's impressive; on the 717, there are four of those capacitors (I take it you mean the two big ones on the 417 just next to the power transformer?) - hefty things that can carry a big charge.
no not the big ones .the ones on the cards that back on to the heat sinks
Ah, right, got you. Yeah, mine went as well. A bunch of them. Saw one and it was amazing it was still hanging on to the circuit board.
got the au417 back from the shop today with abag of bits that have been replaced.let it warm up and played it for a hour or two and its all smiles here.
We ought to start a 'Happy Sansui x17 Owners' sub forum, but then the prices might start to go up even more...

Glad you like your 417


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