iceman16 said:
John Duncan said:
steve_1979 said:
maxflinn said:
How, in the name of God, how, could placing an amplifier on little rubber ravioli, (or whatever they're called) have any impact whatsoever on the sound coming out of the speakers it's driving?
Q. Is it reasonable to assume that small vibrations could effect the performance of electronics?
A. Yes.
There's a reasonable and logical argument that they might make a difference.
Ravioli are very cheap so I'm going to put it to the test myself. My mate has a Marantz PM6003 amplifier with some B&W 685 speakers so I'll do some blind A/B testing using his system later this week.
But...I'd expect it to make no difference at all to a PM6003. A valve amp perhaps, where I could see how it might make a difference to the behaviour of vibration-sensitive tubes.
Hi JD, the BR works well in my system. I'm not sure why and how but they do. In fact I've spend about 2-3weeks placing them in and out of every Naim component I use. The most noticeable improvement is when I put them under cdp,power amp and power supply. The sound just became more vibrant and instruments are more defined. Then I've waited for another week and pulled them out once again and I felt I was hearing another system which was boring and somehow a bit lifeless.
Hi Iceman, I'd just like to address a few points you've made here if I may..
You say the most noticeable improvements you perceive are as a result of placing the BR below your CDP, power amp and power supply. Now these are all very expensive high end componants, made by a company known for their high quality construction, a company that I've read, go to great lengths to achieve very very small improvements.
So conversely, if you notice great improvements while using the BR under these componants, by definition, they are vibrating excessively, is that not fair to say? Now, why would a company like Naim not be able to design these componants so that there is no excessive vibration that you need to counter with the BR? Isn't it highly unlikely that given the resources Naim have, they wouldn't be able to do this? Is that really logical? I don't think so..
And secondly, how can putting BR under an external power supply unit help in any way? It doesn't matter if a power supply is vibrating, not that it would be, but if it was, and the BR helped to curtail that, then how could that result in better sound? There is no correlation between the vibration or lack of, of a power supply, and sound quality, none whatsoever.
So bearing the above in mind, are you of the opinion that the electronics you spent so much money on, are suffering from too much vibration? And if so, and they sound lifeless without the BR, why did you spend all that money on them?