thinking of a major upgrade


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007
All, I currently haver the following

Marantz CD17 mkII KI cd player, Arcam 8R amp, Arcam 9p power amp, biwired B&W P5 floor standers.

I am moving house and thinking of dumping the lot and getting a linn classik or arcam solo. Would love to hear opinions. Is this a good idea or should I through some money at a new set of speakers or new amp. The P5s are about 12 years old now and the 8R amp is 10 years

Simon Lucas

New member
Jun 5, 2007
Hi Scubasteve. The most pressing question I must ask is: why? Is it the convenience? You must know your existing system will see off a Classik or Solo without breaking sweat. If it's space or domestic pressure, fair enough. But if it's just because you're bored of your system, I urge you to think again. Keep it separate if you've the choice. How much money do you think you could throw at an upgrade?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2007

good question. I guess it is boredom and the need for some retail therapy. I like the conveniance of the ipod age and simply being able to choose my music without rifling through my CD collection. I am not really an audiophile by any stretch. To add insult to injury I actually have my ipod and bose sound dock sitting on top of the system and use that more than my acutal separates system

If I could find a way to load all my cds onto a server without losing quality i would be willing to throw a decent amount of money at the problem. I would also then think about upgrading the amp or speakers. I reckon a couple of thousand is my limit.

Other thing to consider is that I live in singapore. English products are expensive here but the japanese brands are a bargain. eg. the marantz cd player was half the price I would play in england.

Denon, Marantz, yamaha, oknyo, pioneer, area all much cheaper if that helps with advice.

I Have roughly 300 CD's in total

Simon Lucas

New member
Jun 5, 2007
Steve - how about the cost of American goods where you are? I ask because I reckon the Sonos Digital Music System might be just the ticket - and you would only need to spend out on new speakers. Check out this five-star Award-winner at and stand by for our First Test of the BU130 upgrade in our September issue.


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