Question Budget speaker recommendations? Replacing JBL LX2002 - £600ish budget (pair)


Jan 8, 2022
Hi folks,

Thinking of replacing my over 20 year old pair of JBL LX 2002 bookshelf speakers. I DIY re-foamed them last year and they're still doing a more than adequate job, but I feel like speaker technology has come on a bit since I last went speaker shopping and there are some nice options out there. Frankly, I have no idea what the reputation of the JBL's is, but I have no major complaints. They have probably mellowed a lot being run for 20 years.

My budget is roughly £600ish and I'd hope for a good upgrade for this money.

My system is:

Rotel RA-931 MKII amp
Pro-ject Debut 2 turntable
Cambridge audio Azur 340C CD Player

My tastes are eclectic, but I'm rooted in extreme metal / experimental / noisy stuff / 70s prog / psych, etc. I do also enjoy jazz / electronic and classical. So, I need an all rounder, but I do want good tight bass response and something that can cope with dense music. I'm after a warm musical sound that will be lively enough to cope with high octane rock as well slower stuff with a lot of low end (dub, doom, etc).

My speakers are set on a wooden unit that houses my LPs and other gear (like a 2x6 Kallax but heavy duty made by a local joiner). My speakers are set close to a wall, but with about 18cm clearance from the back of speaker to the wall. Room is about 4m x 3m with 2.5m height to ceiling.

It needs to be a bookshelf style speaker that I can put on my LP unit as I have little space for stands.

Within my budget I am seeing the following as well reviewed;

Elac Debut B5.2
Dali Spektor 2
B&W 606 or 607 S2
KEF Q350
Q Acoustics 3030i
Dali Oberon 1
Wharfedale Diamond 12.1
Triangle Borea BR03

Opinions welcome.
Given your specific circumstances You will need to get some of these on home demo. I don’t think the Oberon 1 will give you what you want but I think the Oberon 3 will. I had a pair of Zensor 3 (this range was replaced by the Oberon range) and used them for a while with an old Rotel amp. They sounded good to my ears even though they were very poorly positioned in an office system. They are not too fussy in my experience. Just make sure you have adequate isolation for the speakers between them and the unit.
Given your specific circumstances You will need to get some of these on home demo. I don’t think the Oberon 1 will give you what you want but I think the Oberon 3 will. I had a pair of Zensor 3 (this range was replaced by the Oberon range) and used them for a while with an old Rotel amp. They sounded good to my ears even though they were very poorly positioned in an office system. They are not too fussy in my experience. Just make sure you have adequate isolation for the speakers between them and the unit.

Thanks, I'll see if I can give that speaker a listen somewhere. I plan on getting some foam isolation pads for the speakers, which is something I really should have done a long time ago tbh!
Personally I would use some of that budget for proper speaker stands. Some of your potential upgrade will go to waste with them situated as you currently have them. They need to sit at the right height and they could do with being a bit further apart than that wooden unit will allow. This will allow you to move them further out from the rear wall as most of your selection are rear ported and may need more than 18cm clearance for best results, as such the Elac would be well worth a listen
also you mentioned a budget of £600 but a lot of your choices are in the £300 per pair range, any reason for this?
Personally I would use some of that budget for proper speaker stands. Some of your potential upgrade will go to waste with them situated as you currently have them. They need to sit at the right height and they could do with being a bit further apart than that wooden unit will allow. This will allow you to move them further out from the rear wall as most of your selection are rear ported and may need more than 18cm clearance for best results, as such the Elac would be well worth a listen
also you mentioned a budget of £600 but a lot of your choices are in the £300 per pair range, any reason for this?

Hey there, speakers stands are unfortunately not an option. Just don't have the space. The LP unit is quite big, and I do have 120cm between my speakers. Height is also good(ish) and roughly level for when I am on the couch, which is my usual listening position.

The list was quickly cobbled together form the 'best budget bookshelf speakers' from What Hifi, just as a starting point. £600 defo my very top end of budget, and I'd ideally like to spend less.

The Elac seem attractive due to being front ported instead of rear ported and therefore a bit less fussy about being near a wall. The B6.2 would also be an option.
Hey there, speakers stands are unfortunately not an option. Just don't have the space. The LP unit is quite big, and I do have 120cm between my speakers. Height is also good(ish) and roughly level for when I am on the couch, which is my usual listening position.

The list was quickly cobbled together form the 'best budget bookshelf speakers' from What Hifi, just as a starting point. £600 defo my very top end of budget, and I'd ideally like to spend less.

The Elac seem attractive due to being front ported instead of rear ported and therefore a bit less fussy about being near a wall. The B6.2 would also be an option.
I see, just thought it curious you mentioned 600 when most are around 300, you could do a lot better towards the top end of your budget but, hampered by placement, it is probably better not to spend too much on them.
I have to say you've done your homework with that list, its almost identical to the one I have for small speakers as well. I was looking into replacing my just about the same age Paradigm Atoms.
I also like progressive rock which is similar.
I would also consider Audioengine 5+ powered speakers as well unless powered speakers aren't a consideration. Mine are 36 inches apart and sound fantastic.
I would also consider a subwoofer, even a small one would make a huge difference. Nothing real expensive either. I use an old Dayton sub, at least 15 years old too, still going strong.
Something $100-200 range would be perfect.
The reviews for the Dali Spektor 2 were very good, you may want to consider the PSB Alpha P5 as well, it got very good reviews, and its not too expensive. Reviewed by Stereophile here;
Any other questions I'll be more than happy to help.
Dali spektor 1 i hasd is very fyll boided in the low end and very unnaturally low in the upper midrange

B&W 600/607 to much highs, to much fatigue

KEF Q350 can be sharp in the highs

Q Acoustics 3030i should have pretty good bass, relatively deep

Dali oberon 1 to bright, fatigue

Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 some how sharp in the highs,midrange

Triangle Borea BR03 sharp highs, lack bass, why does som many like them , i don't know

Theer are new acoustics energy 100 (2022) mabye listen to them if you can


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