Newbie in need of some advice.... (isn't it always the way?)

Mar 9, 2020
Hi All

This is my first post, so please be gentle with me. Let me start by saying, I'm definitely no Hi-Fi expert!

I currently have a slightly long in the tooth (rather like me), MF X-Ray system that I think is about time to update. Everything was bought brand new back in the day, with the turntable being the most recent purchase (about 7 years ago lol). My system is as follows:

MF Amplifier X-A1 with external power supply
MF 24 bit CD Player X-Ray
MF Missing Link X-10D
MF X Power Supply
Project Debut Turntable

Matched to a pair of Dali 6000 floor standing speakers that are now about 12 years old, with good interconnects and cable (updated a couple of years ago).

The amp was refurbished a couple of years ago. I have to say I do love the sound the system puts out!

I was thinking about just changing the speakers (as I think these are the current weakest link), but the amp source selector is starting to get 'buzzy' (fixable I know). The question is, where to go with a budget of about £3-4k (but a bit flexible). I don't need a CD player as anything I play is either via the Arcam BT receiver, or vinyl, and all the CDs now reside in the loft!

I've been looking at the Roksan M2 and Niam Atom amps. Speakers, Dali Opticon 6, Fyne F502 and Focal 926's... The only worry I have with the Atom is matching it with such large speakers. The room they are in is a dedicated cinema with a separate 7.1 system (all Dali speakers), about the size of a decent double garage. And while I like detail, I also like volume!

Any suggestions more than welcome 🙂
TBH the world is your oyster, personally id leave 1 box solutions alone your'll be spending again in pretty short order compared to what you currently have in humble experience. Electronics, i don't know your listening habits but id look into chord for your digital front end for amps maybe Naim Supernait 2/3 or even sugden maybe, i dont know. That will greatly depend on the speakers you choose and the power/current you really need to drive your chosen poison.

I think your going to need to up your budget to get a similar sound quality today to what your used too , with your electronics that is.

In regards to speakers ever thought about klipsch heritage series? Forte 3 or even if you can push the the budget Cornwall 4's They're made to rock out and play loud with ease, even with 8wpc or less, anything more than 40 watts you'll blowing your ears off with there 100db sensitivity rating they will rock your world! Potentially saving you money on amplification (hence the mention of Sugden and there low powered amps). They're not bright or shouty either which is common misconception, it would be a brand on my short list thats for sure. I gave up chasing expensive large wattage amps with difficult to drive speakers its a fouls game in my opinion. Stay above 90-95db

Maybe revel f206/208 can't ever remember which are the slightly cheaper ones. Russel K I had good auditions with in the past. Don't just look at usual suspects both go exstreamly well with naim amplification especially the Revels, I previously had a naim uniti 2 and then a nac 202 and nap200dr with a pair of m106. Man that system sang. Unfortunately had to sell.

Also heard good things about tannoys legacy series speakers Eton's and up

oh wait do you mean 3-4k on just speakers or the whole shebang ?
TBH the world is your oyster, personally id leave 1 box solutions alone your'll be spending again in pretty short order compared to what you currently have in humble experience. Electronics, i don't know your listening habits but id look into chord for your digital front end for amps maybe Naim Supernait 2/3 or even sugden maybe, i dont know. That will greatly depend on the speakers you choose and the power/current you really need to drive your chosen poison.

I think your going to need to up your budget to get a similar sound quality today to what your used too , with your electronics that is.

In regards to speakers ever thought about klipsch heritage series? Forte 3 or even if you can push the the budget Cornwall 4's They're made to rock out and play loud with ease, even with 8wpc or less, anything more than 40 watts you'll blowing your ears off with there 100db sensitivity rating they will rock your world! Potentially saving you money on amplification (hence the mention of Sugden and there low powered amps). They're not bright or shouty either which is common misconception, it would be a brand on my short list thats for sure. I gave up chasing expensive large wattage amps with difficult to drive speakers its a fouls game in my opinion. Stay above 90-95db

Maybe revel f206/208 can't ever remember which are the slightly cheaper ones. Russel K I had good auditions with in the past. Don't just look at usual suspects both go exstreamly well with naim amplification especially the Revels, I previously had a naim uniti 2 and then a nac 202 and nap200dr with a pair of m106. Man that system sang. Unfortunately had to sell.

Also heard good things about tannoys legacy series speakers Eton's and up

oh wait do you mean 3-4k on just speakers or the whole shebang ?

Thanks for that 🙂

£3-4k for all I'm afraid, I could probably push it a bit, maybe to £5k.

In terms of listening, its a whole gamut of different styles and genres, anything from Bach to Airborne Toxic Event! Mostly it's sitting in the basement letting the sound fill the room..

My other thought/option were to spend on a new set of speakers and have the X-Rays all refurbished properly. I know there's a chap that specialises in this kit and has a good reputation. The draws of staying with the current hardware are a) I love the sound, b) it works (mostly), c) I love the look of the thing (mostly irrelevant I know, but I'm a sucker for form).

As you've said, I think getting the same quality of sound in the budget I have may be a challenge.
Thanks for that 🙂

£3-4k for all I'm afraid, I could probably push it a bit, maybe to £5k.

In terms of listening, its a whole gamut of different styles and genres, anything from Bach to Airborne Toxic Event! Mostly it's sitting in the basement letting the sound fill the room..

My other thought/option were to spend on a new set of speakers and have the X-Rays all refurbished properly. I know there's a chap that specialises in this kit and has a good reputation. The draws of staying with the current hardware are a) I love the sound, b) it works (mostly), c) I love the look of the thing (mostly irrelevant I know, but I'm a sucker for form).

As you've said, I think getting the same quality of sound in the budget I have may be a challenge.

Ah, ok well! to me its a no brainer your not going to match the sound for that budget IMO and for the sake a of solid service id just do that! £300-400 and you'll probably be golden for another 20-30 years.

It doesn't really sound like you want to upgrade the electronics at all anyhow.

Speakers will have the biggest impact on sound anyhow, so if you have 4k burning a whole! Have a look at some of the options i mentioned Tannoy legacy and klipsch heritage would be top of my list for that sort of money. In fact they where! easy to drive giving your amp and easier life!

and looks go along way to enjoying a system so not silly at all.
You may be right! I've dropped JS Audio an email so I'll probably go that route and spend the money on speakers 🙂 Thank you for the help.
Personally, I'm not against the convenience of one-box wonders - and strongly suggest auditioning the Atom or the Arcam SA30, or Linn Majik DSM with a pair of Dali Oberon, Focal Aria 926 (which are easy to drive), Spendor A4 or A7. No more faffing with interconnects and power supplies, and they sound great.

However, with some looking around, you could fetch a sh Naim Nac N 272 and nap 200 (maybe Dr) for a grand total of 3k, which would also leave room for most of the mentioned speakers.

The suggestion above (refurbishing your amp is also great, and maybe you could get your hands on a pair of the matching MF monoblocks, and add a sh Cambridge Audio CXN v2 , which will leave more wiggle room for speakers (and will be considerably better than the rblink). As per above, the world is your oyster.

Were I to start from scratch, though, I'd probably go for a one-box thing, but the main reason for that is not convenience or tidiness (although there's that too, of course), but because I still suffer from upgraditis - and the tweakery of separates is so enticing sometimes.


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