There may be trouble ahead (Ebay)

This Electro I sold nearly 3 months ago. Jeeze, had the buyer on the to me whinging about missing parts. He checked it over before handing over the money - and briefly heard it.

He emailed to me:"Why u did not say its front panels sides missing!!!???"

Well, sorry pal, if it has taken over two months for you to notice that ain't my problem.

What do you do with people like this? *aggressive*
No idea. How obvious would the defect have been if one weren't familiar with the CD player? I don't recall you ever mentioning on here that it was missing. I think that kind of thing really should be made clear, and maybe even shown, when advertising it on Ebay.

To do anything less could make you seem a bit unscrupulous. I'd be pissed off if I were the buyer. No idea about Ebay's rules and whether it's too late to make a claim, but I'd say you brought it on yourself, either intentionally or negligently, if you never mentioned it.

Now if he's trying something on to cover some damage he did to it himself, then that's a whole other story.
There was no damage or anything missing. The unit was complete and in fine working order when it left my house.

I have a hunch this guy could be trouble. Why would it take him nearly 3 months to notice something as obvious as that? He's trying to pull a fast one. He was happy when he collected and handed over the agreed amount.

Sorry, but I'm p####d off with anyone who thinks I am dodgy in any shape or form. I have many faults but unscrupulous I'm definitely not.
plastic penguin said:
There was no damage or anything missing. The unit was complete and in fine working order when it left my house.

I have a hunch this guy could be trouble. Why would it take him nearly 3 months to notice something as obvious as that? He's trying to pull a fast one. He was happy when he collected and handed over the agreed amount.

Sorry, but I'm p####d off with anyone who thinks I am dodgy in any shape or form. I have many faults but unscrupulous I'm definitely not.

Just to clear up, no one (at least here) suggested or implied you were dodgy in any way. If you look at your first post it could be read that you were annoyed it was noticed 3 months later as opposed to annoyed that it now had a fault that it did not when you were selling the item.

Unfortunetely this can happen with anything written, and it is often said that text messages are so often misinterpreted.

Back to the issue - if the item was perfect when you sold it, the ebay rules will now state what way to proceed. It should not expect anything from your side if some physical damage is now present, but as we all know common sense isn't common. Hope it works out in your favour
plastic penguin said:
There was no damage or anything missing. The unit was complete and in fine working order when it left my house.

I have a hunch this guy could be trouble. Why would it take him nearly 3 months to notice something as obvious as that? He's trying to pull a fast one. He was happy when he collected and handed over the agreed amount.

Sorry, but I'm p####d off with anyone who thinks I am dodgy in any shape or form. I have many faults but unscrupulous I'm definitely not.

I think he would need to take you to court to get his money back if he paid in cash? No eBay buyer protection for cash purchases I believe. If he collected it and you let him pay with PayPal then you may have hung yourself because there would no proof of postage.

Having sold lots of hi-fi and other gear on eBay I'm with you on this PP. This is second hand goods bought as seen, and as long as there is no attempt to hide an issue (it sounds like you didn't) then what have you done wrong? eBay is FULL of shysters like this who don't understand that buying "second hand" and "used" means just that. If he paid in cash then politely tell him to shove off.
Cheers Gazzip. Yup, he collected from my house and paid cash. In fact, he suggested I could save some money by bypassing Ebay (Mrs. P was in the room as well), and offered me a bit less for the player. I said no, the full agreed amount.

As I stated he checked the player over thoroughly and was happy...he even packed it away by himself.
eBay buyer protection only lasts for 1 month, I believe. Paypal is a lot longer but that's not an issue here. As he paid cash, I'd agree he'd have to take you to small claims court.

If your listing pics showed a complete item and he collected happily, then it would be likely for a court to presume the item was complete when collected. Grab some screenshots of your listing just in case he does try anything, but I'd gout he would if the pics show a complete item.
I always post lots of pictures and make a habit of pointing any imperfections or faults out.

In you case PP, I would have thought that the buyer will not get away with something as obvious as a missing panel. Did you post photos which showed the panel in place?

Did you list the item as "Returns not accepted"?

Ps. Just reading through your posts, did you actually complete the transaction through eBay ie. where there eBay costs you had to pay?
In hindsight (easy I know), for cash on collection I would always take an offer of dealing outside of eBay as it gives the seller all the power. eBay gives power to the buyer.

A small percentage of people on eBay tend to be dicks, but I find them proportional to the number of people who are dicks in real life!
You got him to sign his and your copies of a receipt? You are a businessman, so i'm sure you do this everyday.

(Because you were circumventing ebay/PayPal etc.)
Paul. said:
In hindsight (easy I know), for cash on collection I would always take an offer of dealing outside of eBay as it gives the seller all the power.  eBay gives power to the buyer. 

A small percentage of people on eBay tend to be dicks, but I find them proportional to the number of people who are dicks in real life!

I never did that. If I find a buyer through the bay it goes through eBay. Partly explained that I usually list as an auction. I get more that way but even when I list as BIN, as with a phone recently, it goes through eBay.

Perhaps I'm silly but it feels right that way
Paul. said:
In hindsight (easy I know), for cash on collection I would always take an offer of dealing outside of eBay as it gives the seller all the power. eBay gives power to the buyer.

A small percentage of people on eBay tend to be dicks, but I find them proportional to the number of people who are dicks in real life!

Depends what you are selling. Hi-fi yes, iPad or iPhone approx 80% dicks...
He's mailed back and said look at this, but the link he's added only relates to the EMC range and not the PC-1.

Underneath he's put: "Also needs a service....very noisy".

It wasn't noisy at all when I had it... and he heard it in action. No, he's the unscrupulous one.

He's f###### con.
plastic penguin said:
He's mailed back and said look at this, but the link he's added only relates to the EMC range and not the PC-1.

Underneath he's put: "Also needs a service....very noisy".

It wasn't noisy at all when I had it... and he heard it in action. No, he's the unscrupulous one.

He's f###### con.

I've looked at your five photos of the PC-1 and lots of online photos of the PC1 and your's was definitely missing the 'end caps' on the fascia. Sorry.

However, he should have mentioned this at the time as he personally inspected the item. Equally the 'noisy' mechanism. He should have noticed this too.
He - presumably - cannot chase this with ebay /PayPal because you both decided to opt out of their process.

If he threatens you with the courts then the elapsed 3 months (before he decided to complain) is going to need a lot of explanation.

Hopefully he signed some kind of receipt to acknowledge he was happy with it enough to give you £600 after demonstration and inspection.
chebby said:
plastic penguin said:
He's mailed back and said look at this, but the link he's added only relates to the EMC range and not the PC-1.

Underneath he's put: "Also needs a service....very noisy".

It wasn't noisy at all when I had it... and he heard it in action. No, he's the unscrupulous one.

He's f###### con.

I've looked at your five photos of the PC-1 and lots of online photos of the PC1 and your's was definitely missing the 'end caps' on the fascia. Sorry.

However, he should have mentioned this at the time as he personally inspected the item. Equally the 'noisy' mechanism. He should have noticed this too.

Until I purchased my one I'd never seen a Electro CDP in the flesh before. And given it is a nice moulded unit it never occured to me. However, it's no big deal, it looked smart enough to me.

When I had the end cap go missing on the old Rotel you could see all the gubbings and feel the heat from the player.

But he should have noticed this long before now. In terms of it being noisy there was no excess noise with drawer mechanism (or delay) or residual sound when playing. In fact it was quieter than my Arcam and Panasonic.
chebby said:
He - presumably - cannot chase this with ebay /PayPal because you both decided to opt out of their process.

If he threatens you with the courts then the elapsed 3 months (before he decided to complain) is going to need a lot of explanation.

Hopefully he signed some kind of receipt to acknowledge he was happy with it enough to give you £600 after demonstration and inspection.

It wasn't £600. He put in a best offer of £450, which I accepted. Considering there was the same CDP from Germany at the time (black) selling for £93-odd quid + carriage, he's got a bloody good deal.
plastic penguin said:
chebby said:
He - presumably - cannot chase this with ebay /PayPal because you both decided to opt out of their process.

If he threatens you with the courts then the elapsed 3 months (before he decided to complain) is going to need a lot of explanation.

Hopefully he signed some kind of receipt to acknowledge he was happy with it enough to give you £600 after demonstration and inspection.

It wasn't £600. He put in a best offer of £450, which I accepted. Considering there was the same CDP from Germany at the time (black) selling for £93-odd quid + carriage, he's got a bloody good deal.

Ok, sorry to sound like a broken record but ... receipt?

It's going to be your passport out of all this. Something you both have copies of, with his signature, acknowledging that he was happy with the item as seen and as demonstrated.

Especially now 3 months have elapsed before his complaint. The courts will laugh at him.
plastic penguin said:
There may be trouble ahead (Ebay)

No trouble, 3 months after purchase, cash and inspection on collection there is nothing he can do and he should have known exactly what he was buying. You're not responsible for his stupidity. eBay won't do anything with cash on collection purchases, they can't, especially after 3 months.

Just tell him to trot on then ignore him.
chebby said:
Ok, sorry to sound like a broken record but ... receipt?

It's going to be your passport out of all this. Something you both have copies of, with his signature, acknowledging that he was happy with the item as seen and as demonstrated.

Especially now 3 months have elapsed before his complaint. The courts will laugh at him.

He doesn't need a passport out of it or a receipt, the sale took place through eBay and PP followed eBay's guidelines (the don't stipulate having receipts). The buyer accepted the items condition and functionality when he handed over his cash and left.
If the photos on the listing show the end caps are missing, then the information was available at the time of sale, even if you weren't aware of it PP. The photographs form part of the 'offer' to the customer. You didn't know and, seemingly, neither did he at the time. I don't think there is any case to answer.

As for the noise, CD players are noisy and they can vary according to where they are positioned and what they are placed on. Noise levels also change over time. Again, not really any reasonable case to answer, particularly after 3 months. If he'd purchased it new or used from a dealer with a warranty then he might have a claim, but this is a private sale with no warranty offered or implied.
chebby said:
plastic penguin said:
chebby said:
He - presumably - cannot chase this with ebay /PayPal because you both decided to opt out of their process.

If he threatens you with the courts then the elapsed 3 months (before he decided to complain) is going to need a lot of explanation.

Hopefully he signed some kind of receipt to acknowledge he was happy with it enough to give you £600 after demonstration and inspection.

It wasn't £600. He put in a best offer of £450, which I accepted. Considering there was the same CDP from Germany at the time (black) selling for £93-odd quid + carriage, he's got a bloody good deal.

Ok, sorry to sound like a broken record but ... receipt?

It's going to be your passport out of all this. Something you both have copies of, with his signature, acknowledging that he was happy with the item as seen and as demonstrated.

Especially now 3 months have elapsed before his complaint. The courts will laugh at him.

Sorry, I didn't see the original post. No, no recipt. If it had been put through my business there would have been aproper invoice drafted, but as the player spent nearly all of its 18 months in the attic, I just wanted out of the way - declutter.

In hindsight, I should've got something with our signatures on, but he did buy as seen in the pictures and personal inspection when he collected. Purchased as seen.
eggontoast said:
chebby said:
Ok, sorry to sound like a broken record but ... receipt?

It's going to be your passport out of all this. Something you both have copies of, with his signature, acknowledging that he was happy with the item as seen and as demonstrated.

Especially now 3 months have elapsed before his complaint. The courts will laugh at him.

He doesn't need a passport out of it or a receipt, the sale took place through eBay and PP followed eBay's guidelines (the don't stipulate having receipts). The buyer accepted the items condition and functionality when he handed over his cash and left.

Almost two months. It was the middle of September to be more accurate. But I clearly stated 'No returns'.


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