iQ Speakers
New member
- Feb 24, 2013
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Hi Matt, just looking back at you opening comment on the thread, I think you have pretty much suceeded! theres some great detail in there for any body thinking of a Dev.
James7 said:Why did you decide to move on from the SFs by the way, and what are you hoping to improve on specifically as you look for their replacement?
James7 said:You say standmounts or small floorstanders, but if you do go down the 'move the Magtech/MLs to a suitably acoustically treated study', might you then be looking at bigger speakers in the living room? Are there any other speakers from those you auditioned back in 2013 you are hoping to hear again?
James7 said:By the way, do you still have your SF Venere 1.5 (that I think you had plugged into a Peachtree amp at one stage)? Have you tried them with the Dev? I was just wondering how you found SAM works with a speaker like that - sone from a totally different price bracket. I know DocG has found a real synergy with his 120 and the similarly priced KEF LS50.
James7 said:I remember your first auditioning the Vivids (it felt like deja vu reading you heading off with your Dev to audition them again).
DocG said:I've somewhat had it with some (many? most?) of the current threads, and then a good repeat is better than a mediocre new show. Thinking about it: that's rather sad actually, no?
So, where all counting on you now, Matt!
matt49 said:The catch is that the speakers have to be less than 1m tall.
EvPa said:matt49 said:The catch is that the speakers have to be less than 1m tall.
ARTist 6s are 85cm tall. *biggrin*
If going full-crazy you might as well get a pair of Klipschorns.
matt49 said:Infiniteloop said:An interesting journey you're on Matt, but it sounds like the Vivids have a hold on you. I'm still stuck in Philadelphia (weather issues at my connecting Airport) and looking forward to getting home to put the SF Cremonas through their paces in both my systems. Have only heard them with the S8 and the Dev 200 in my upstairs listening room and am looking forward to seeing how the combinations sound in the lounge.
Mrs Loop loves the aesthetics of the SF's and they do pair very nicely visually with the S8.
That sounds a bit tedious, Andrew. Is there much to do in Philly?
Glad to hear the Sfs have gone down well with Mrs Loop. Funnily enough, Mrs 49 never really liked them.
Infiniteloop said:Back from Philly and had a few days to try the SFs in different rooms with different Amps. In my lounge with the Dev, vocals and classical music sound beautiful, with voices being particularly realistic. Overall though, I prefer the Focals with the Dev in the lounge. - They sound more 'open' and involving. In fact, if you're looking for a very neutral sound, it might be worth your while hearing the Dev with Focal 1008Be's - or even the Diablo Utopias. (I have heard this combination and it was very special, I'm still considering them for a future upgrade). There is something very special about that Beryllium tweeter.
However, the real joy came with partnering the SFs with my S8 Valve Amp in the upstairs listening room. Here they are astonishing. Big, deep, bass (I can't believe the bass these small boxes can achieve!). Beautiful midrange and incredibly detailed treble. I agree that the SFs aren't exactly honest, and I wasn't expecting them to be, having had SFs before, but (Jazz, and especially Jazz vocals) through this partnership leaves me emotional..... - Even the usually musically non-plussed Mrs. Loop commented how good the sound is!
matt49 said:Infiniteloop said:Back from Philly and had a few days to try the SFs in different rooms with different Amps. In my lounge with the Dev, vocals and classical music sound beautiful, with voices being particularly realistic. Overall though, I prefer the Focals with the Dev in the lounge. - They sound more 'open' and involving. In fact, if you're looking for a very neutral sound, it might be worth your while hearing the Dev with Focal 1008Be's - or even the Diablo Utopias. (I have heard this combination and it was very special, I'm still considering them for a future upgrade). There is something very special about that Beryllium tweeter.
However, the real joy came with partnering the SFs with my S8 Valve Amp in the upstairs listening room. Here they are astonishing. Big, deep, bass (I can't believe the bass these small boxes can achieve!). Beautiful midrange and incredibly detailed treble. I agree that the SFs aren't exactly honest, and I wasn't expecting them to be, having had SFs before, but (Jazz, and especially Jazz vocals) through this partnership leaves me emotional..... - Even the usually musically non-plussed Mrs. Loop commented how good the sound is!
That's excellent, Andrew. Cremonas, valves and jazz. *man_in_love*
I've not had a chance to hear Focals in ideal circumstances. I heard the 1038BEs demoed with Linn amplification in a smallish room. The clarity was there, but there was something very unnatural about the system or acoustics or both.
When I was trying out Maggies at KJ West One a couple of weeks ago, I was tempted to listen to the Diablo Utopias, but I decided against, as they were asking £7K for their ex-demo pair (including stands): far more than I want to spend. I guess you might be able to get a s/h pair for £5K if patient. Would the Diablos be better than the Vivids (at just over £3K)? Maybe.
Anyway, ex-demo Vivids don't come along often, and to my eyes they're more attractive than the Diablos -- plus the pair I'm buying are a really nice colour. Oh dear, how superficial!
Infiniteloop said:I heard the Dev with the Diablo Utopias a few months back and I haven't heard anything since that has blown me away quite as much.......
They were red too! (-if you want to talk superficial!)
matt49 said:Anyway, ex-demo Vivids don't come along often, and to my eyes they're more attractive than the Diablos -- plus the pair I'm buying are a really nice colour. Oh dear, how superficial!
matt49 said:I'm sure they're very very good, esp. in combo with the Dev. However, pricewise they're in main-system territory for me.
DocG said:James7 said:I remember your first auditioning the Vivids (it felt like deja vu reading you heading off with your Dev to audition them again).
*secret* You know what, James? I actually started rereading some of the older threads, like our Devialet Thread, or this one. I've somewhat had it with some (many? most?) of the current threads, and then a good repeat is better than a mediocre new show. Thinking about it: that's rather sad actually, no?
So, where all counting on you now, Matt!
matt49 said:Anyway, ex-demo Vivids don't come along often, and to my eyes they're more attractive than the Diablos -- plus the pair I'm buying are a really nice colour. Oh dear, how superficial!
DocG said:In for a penny, in for a pound, Matt! Which nice colour would that be exactly (and did your interior designer approve)? I recently saw the V1.5 in frosted black. May sound dull, but to me they looked the business!
Those cable slaughter fests have dumbed me down enough to really care about the trivial details!
James7 said:I wouldn't want to seem envious that your non-main system comprises Vivid V1.5s driven by a Devialet 200 but ... well, just a touch of envy perhaps.
matt49 said:Just received a marketing e-mail from Devialet (quite why they're trying to sell me stuff I don't know ...).
I was interested by this teaser in the e-mail: "This year, once again, we are preparing an extraordinary surprise regarding SAM® for Munich." What on earth could this be? Extending SAM to the full frequency range? Enabling SAM for subwoofers via the pre-outs? Answers on a postcard please!
matt49 said:One slight blemish on Devialet's shiny marketing strategy is their failure to employ native English-speaking translators. So the e-mail ends with this rather odd statement: "With the launch of PHANTOM, the Devialet 120, 200, 400, 800 range now becomes Devialet Expert. Technological foundation of the brand, Devialet Expert is the absolute audiophile system for the most intransigent of music lovers." Now I don't really think of myself as 'intransigent': slightly set in my ways perhaps, even a little dogmatic at times, but hardly intransigent.
DocG said:matt49 said:Just received a marketing e-mail from Devialet (quite why they're trying to sell me stuff I don't know ...).
I was interested by this teaser in the e-mail: "This year, once again, we are preparing an extraordinary surprise regarding SAM® for Munich." What on earth could this be? Extending SAM to the full frequency range? Enabling SAM for subwoofers via the pre-outs? Answers on a postcard please!
Yeah, just got that e-mail too. Maybe they'll announce "SAM+", or "STORM", the Speaker TO Room Matching?
matt49 said:I don't want to end up turning my Devialet into a useless A[/b]ctive R[/b]oom-S[/b]peaker E[/b]qualizer.
CnoEvil said:matt49 said:I don't want to end up turning my Devialet into a useless Active Room-Speaker Equalizer.
Oi, that acronym has already been taken.