Inter_Voice:Since my NAD and my OPPO both use only two wires in the machines without the earthing, I believe taking out the earthing from the Leema plug will have no safety hazard unless I have missed out something. Yes, you have.
Unless the amp is certified Class II, removing the earth wire could potentially result in death.
Thanks for the safety alert.
Yesterday I noticed that the hum noise increased when I turned the amplifier volume up which indicates the noise is from the inputs and is not the problem of the amplifier itself. What I will do is to find out what causes this earth loop by disconnecting the amplifier inputs one by one and hopefully I can trace the source. Anyway sorry for diverting the topic a bit.
Coming back to the issue of synergy, yesterday after a long period (a few hours) of CD and SCAD playbacks at moderate volume from the Leema I have no feeling of fatigue at all which is not the same when I listen to my NAD. My NAD though can also produce good music to my ears I feel tire after long hours of listening. Somebody told me that the fatigue was mainly caused by unwanted frequencies from harmonic distortions (I cannot say it is right or wrong as I am no sound engineer).
People normally say MA RX1 is a bright speaker (may be due to its metal HF dome) while Leema also has adverse comment on mid range, such as (quoting) "The main warning note we would sound is about voices, which sometimes seem just a shade dry and less clear than we'd expect, ....." To the contrary my ears tell me that with these two combination the high, mid and low range are clear and firm with very good sound stage. The separation of musical instruments are outstanding and I can hear sounds not heard before using my NAD. Actually I found the vocals are even warmer and feel more natural than my NAD. Is it Synergy comes into play ?
Your description of the Pulse is similar to mine. I've got, supposedly, bright speakers yet the Pulse is lovely and organic with no hint of cloying or brittleness to the treble.
Whether you've got perfect synergy or not I don't know, as it's the same with any aspect - it's a personal thing.