Gerrardasnails:plastic penguin:Gerrardasnails:plastic penguin:
Had a chinwag today with the shop I bought the Leema and he feels, like most of you, the sources are letting it down and suggests that should be upgraded before the speakers. He says, strangely enough, from what I've told him, need a brighter sound - like me, however, he doesn't think the Leema, contrary to the reviews, it's bright.
"A bright sound? when I've had Arcams?" He says that the higher Alpha and budget DIVA ranges far outperform their price catagories, hence why they lend themselves to a sparkly top end. But suggests the Leema is currently being sold short.
To be honest, I found your cd player to be a bit bright so I can see what he means.
That's interesting, Gerrard - he described the CD73 as "snug" sounding, or not open enough. He was referring to the DIVA and Alpha amps as sparkly (something I've always banged on about
), yet seems to go against the tenets of most reviews and a lot of posters on here.
I think when you heard cdp at your place - I agree with you - it did strike me as 'brighter' than I was used to.... but only put it down to room acoustics.
Have you tried your turntable with the two amps yet PP?
No, not yet. I'm still trying to clear up the mess. Not even connected any hi-fi components - probably won't till Sunday.
All I say is listen to Arcam Alpha 7 upwards or A65+. They won't compete with your Moon or even the Leema in many respects, but you'll be surprised how good they are for the price. In fact, I could lend you my Arcam for a couple of weeks....