Sunburn effect on quality of picture

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
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When im watching standard def on my 50"panasonic plasma (full hd) i notice what i can only describe as a "sunburning look" on peoples faces, when its a close up shot of faces they seem to have like red patches that are moving & it can look awful, my daughter noticed this as she thought they had red lipstick on there faces, its mainly noticeable on progs like eastenders were the pictures are darker etc however with hd content it seems fine, is this interference due to the fact its standard def on a hd plasma? has anybody else experienced anything like this? for the record i watch standard def in 576p

Clare Newsome

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Jun 4, 2007
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Sounds like an upscaling and/or picture-mode issue. SD TV pictures are obviously having to be upscaled considerably to suit Full HD resolution, and that's something you may occasionally notice on a 50in set - even one with a decent scaler.

But certain pictures modes don't help, either - have you done full set-up on your TV? (See here).

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
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Thankyou Clare for that & yes i have my brightness, colour & contrast set to the recommended levels i also have DNR switched off & colour management to off as i dont like using those anyway as i believe they introduce more noise imo so i felt the same way in which you did & that its upscaling cons, thanks anyway Clare.


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