the record spot:JoelSim:Nope. Done the 6mm 99.9999999999999% OFC Copper thing. Dull as. Preferred QED SA XT which were very bright, then got some Kimber 4tc which were detailed yet solid, something that couldn't be said for either of the two I've just mentioned.
Amazing, really, the number of folk who're baulking at spending £5.49...even more amazing is that the Kimber 4tc is apparently everything that my cable is. So, not "dull as" after all then. Mind you, it's not 6mm, but 2.5, and it's 12AWG. Guess Roger Russell was on the money after all then.
I don't know what you're on about TRS, I had some copper cable, properly terminated and it sounded nowhere near as good as the Kimber 4tc. Lifeless.
I also lost money on it when I sold it. Doubly pointless.