Cable lengths


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2008
Looking to bi wire my new speakers as both my amp and speakers support this. The room layout means that the first speaker is 1.5m from the amp, but the second is about 2.5m more. Is it best to run both speakers on 4m lengths or does it not make any difference over the relatively short distance? Looking at using Audio quest FLX Slip 14/4 so it's not so much about the cost as hiding 2.5m of cable slack.
Putting cost aside, the OCD in me requires two equal lengths notwithstanding (in my view) it won't make any difference to sound quality. I've done that for a 5m and an 8m run, but can hide the excess under a couch or, as I have done, in a D-Line cable box. I think two equal runs would be easier to flick on E-bay if you need / want to consider that (as opposed to storing in a box for you never know).
Electricity moves near the speed of light, so unless you get any voltage drop or other weird problems, there shouldn't be any problem running different lengths in terms of sound quality.

You may hear a difference, but there are so many factors that could contribute to that, that I would give it a day to settle down before making any decision's.
Looking to bi wire my new speakers as both my amp and speakers support this. The room layout means that the first speaker is 1.5m from the amp, but the second is about 2.5m more. Is it best to run both speakers on 4m lengths or does it not make any difference over the relatively short distance? Looking at using Audio quest FLX Slip 14/4 so it's not so much about the cost as hiding 2.5m of cable slack.
wouldn't even worry about doing it, as others have said. Bi amping or even better mono blocking though is completely different story.

Stick to a single cable install and I would keep it to the same length either side easier to sell on if needs be in the future as other have said.
Looking to bi wire my new speakers as both my amp and speakers support this. The room layout means that the first speaker is 1.5m from the amp, but the second is about 2.5m more. Is it best to run both speakers on 4m lengths or does it not make any difference over the relatively short distance? Looking at using Audio quest FLX Slip 14/4 so it's not so much about the cost as hiding 2.5m of cable slack.
The differing lengths will make no difference to the amp or the stereo image, as for bi-wiring I'd prefer a single run of 4mm to 2x2.5mm, and before anyone asks no I don't think I could tell the difference blind its just I have some really long runs at home and it makes me feel better.
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