[quote user="Cablearser"]
[quote user="JohnDuncan"][quote user="Drummerdave"]The issue of cable burn-in is even more ludicrous, the cable will sound different after 50 hours because your ears have got used to a different sound, whether good or bad, not because of any change in the cable[/quote]
according to anticables[/quote]
Is there a BS free cable company out there somewhere?
My point was that these people were being set forth (in another thread, sorry if it appeared to be a non-sequitur) as an example of a non-bs cable company. And yet they make the same "my dad's bigger than your dad" claims that the bs cable company's make. Except cheaper. Except they're not so cheap. Yadda yadda.
Why would you want to know anyway? Cables make no difference, so you won't be needing any, cryogenically-frozen bs or not.