The Weakest link…


Active member
Apr 18, 2024
Some advice please. My journey to date……

Previous setup (where I started) > updated setup (updated this year / where I’m currently at):

Turntable: rega P2 with nagaoka mp-110 > rega p6 with rega exact
Pre amp: Schiit mani > rega aria
Cd: Marantz cd5005.( I’m not bothered about cds. This is for my niece to play cd’s on when she visits).
Amp: Marantz pm5005 > rega elex-r
Speakers mission 752
Speaker cables: Chord Odyssey 4
Interconnects: Performance Audio 40i
Room size 7.5m x 3.5 (speakers facing accross the width of the room)

Trying to find my system bottle neck so all the components work together.

I have Nagaoka mp-200 I haven’t tried yet. I bought it to replace the exact. Not sure now.

If you have a similar set up and have an idea for an upgrade I’d be very interested in learning from your experiences.

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Amp/speakers is where you'll notice the biggest changes. I tend to buy amps and speakers together.
if you buy an amp Id recommend an amp that will bring you into the digital age a little more with some digital connectivity.

I don't know your budget so wont recommend things outright but the above is where id start.
Some advice please. My journey to date……

Previous setup (where I started) > updated setup (updated this year / where I’m currently at):

Turntable: rega P2 with nagaoka mp-110 > rega p6 with rega exact
Pre amp: Schiit mani > rega aria
Cd: Marantz cd5005.( I’m not bothered about cds. This is for my niece to play cd’s on when she visits).
Amp: Marantz pm5005 > rega elex-r
Speakers mission 752
Speaker cables: Chord Odyssey 4
Interconnects: Performance Audio 40i
Room size 7.5m x 3.5 (speakers facing accross the width of the room)

Trying to find my system bottle neck so all the components work together.

I have Nagaoka mp-200 I haven’t tried yet. I bought it to replace the exact. Not sure now.

If you have a similar set up and have an idea for an upgrade I’d be very interested in learning from your experiences.

Bottlenecks usually reside in the PC domain, where data communication bandwidths are the limiting factors, such as pairing up an underrated CPU with a much more powerful GPU but I think I understand what you're alluding to; the shortfalls or the potential shortfalls of your system.

Looking at your setup, is pretty decent, so I think the first think to ask, is there something missing in the sound, is it the lack of clarity, is it too warm or not getting enough detail?

Amp/speakers is where you'll notice the biggest changes. I tend to buy amps and speakers together.
if you buy an amp Id recommend an amp that will bring you into the digital age a little more with some digital connectivity.

I don't know your budget so wont recommend things outright but the above is where id start.
I believe Twinkletoes already mentioned it, the biggest difference to your system is usually the speakers and the amp. If you know of a dealership near you, it'll be your worthwhile to book in a demo. And also under the same breath, I must admit to being somewhat disingenuous because nearly all of my buying decisions where made, listening to Youtube videos or magazine reviews but I can't recall any regrets or bad purchases, maybe unnecessary ones ( and yes plenty of those!). I think you just need to investigate this further.
If you're thinking of an upgrade do it incrementally, its easier to detect the small changes and you can decide to move forward or send it back to the vendor.

I think the key component here, what kind of sound am I after? Look around on the internet for HiFi that meets or comes close to what you're looking for in terms of the sound signature.
As suggested above, is there anything you think is wrong with the sound? If not, then there is no "bottleneck".
I think perhaps the word is ‘weakness’ , but as you say, without any indication of what might be ‘wrong’ about the sound, there is not much help that can be offered, especially as there is not likely to be anyone here with the same system. Now if it’s a case of simply wanting to upgrade, then there will be lots of suggestions for spending someone else’s money😀


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