Unfortunately many don't get vinyl for a good reason. Ultimately the quality of the LP itself is the overriding factor. You can spend out on your LP12s and add various upgrades that do little other than increase Linns bank account then add the best tonearm and cartridge you can afford but if the quality of the vinyl you intend to play is substandard then all this money spent is pointless
I have got as far as I intend to go when it comes to vinyl replay equipment and any future spending goes on making sure I only buy quality records from the best producers of vinyl.
Admittedly great quality vinyl doesn't come cheap but it's a darn sight cheaper than paying out thousands on upgrades if you then insist on playing sub par LPs.
So perhaps, in a way, your dealer is correct and money spent on amp or elsewhere is perhaps money wel spent.
that is the truth as i since 2017 bought till today at the most 50 Lp´s, some came already with noise and very dirty ,in the past a record when bought was clean as it can be and it´s a new LP,
so why today many labels released them like that ?is it to blame a no longer existing quality control,
about vinyl recorded from digital masters ,it´s ok by me ,digital as advanced a lot since the year 2000 , the problem here is a developed format from the 70´s, in the 80´s one could listen at home the superiority of the DAT cassettes, Sony does rule everything and while they make millions selling cds no other better digital format will appear,
but if the record is recorded from digital maters and some say this laughing and don´t understand that they are laughing of their own ignorance as Lp´s recorded from a digital master, the recording sounds perfect,
but if converted to the poor sounding cd it will be a bad sound but when recorded to vinyl it´s even better than a lot of total analog recordings,
as an example when Dream syndicate band released in 1990 ,live at the Raji´s i put it to play and i couldn´t believe how good this live recording sounds, two six string guitars ,a bass guitar and drums also voice and in a song harmonica all sound perfect,
it was the first Lp live with perfect sound as there are many with high quality of sound all analog ,
only later i noticed wriiten in the back "directelly recorded into DAT "but at the time the cd had more songs that i really liked , as not all songs from this band are good in my opinion but they have several songs that is pure rock being played , perfectelly
and when having more money i bought the cd that had as i said more songs when playing the cd i couldn´t believe the bad sound it had ,
so one more time i don´t think analog is the best available, but to us is the best format and my best turntables are all from the 70´s didn´t pay nothing for them and as better i had a amplifier and speakers having a very good cd player and also a very good turntable the far becomes the diference between analog sources and digital being this last worst ,only refering to the cd ,
even if recording a cd to a cassette in a average quality deck the recording sounds always better than the cd ,
in cheap compact or component systems one doesn´t notice that .
I only bought two records that i really like again because they are in bad condition due to a lot of humidity came through a wall and all records even with a wooden sheet behind all those records have dried white mould but the sound underneath is very good ,in total 57 of them
but yet to find a machine that really cleans deep all the grooves of a record,
a friend i have cleans them with great quality but he as the best machines available of two types of cleaning and only after cleaning them in two diferent types of cleaning records machines, they stay almost perfect,
i´m saying this but if anyone disagrees well it´s his opinion i only expressed mine