[quote user="Tallyho"]
Yep I know.................but even the kids agree if we're not interested in Blu Ray, which we're not given the terrific Upscaling attributes of the DENON DVD-1940 compared to what we all agreed was also a bit of a lacklustre performance by the PS3 too in that respect when we hassled the guy in the SONY shop to give us a 20 minutes demo of the PS3 with F1 racing, then spending £350.00 for essentially a Games Console doesn't quite make sense. The PS3 would have been more for my kids than me but if they now also don't seem that bothered...then who am I to argue?
Truly I wasn't impressed by the PS3's Blu Ray performance and I also thought the Denon DVD 1940 was better at Upscaling. An example was on Casino Royale and the recent final DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean. I actually thought the DENON surpassed both the PS3's Blu Ray and Upscaling performance of both.Besides I would rather pay £7 for a DVD than £20 for something I see as being no better when your using something like the DENON
One thing I would be interested to know is, given the soon to be discontinued PS3, what happens if it breaks down and can't be repaired as it also can't be replaced?
I'm going to gracefully bow out of this forum now.I have always spoken my mind on the issues and have called things as I've honestly seen them.I would like to leave by saying that yes.....I will agree that Pioneer make the best TV's..............But Mercedes also make the best cars in my view! However, I also believe you don't need to go that far in your quest to be entertained or satisfied and based on that premise I am the proud owner of a Samsung PS42Q97HDX and a DENON DVD-1940 which are great machines. ......and............... who knows, If I conserve my money now ...this time next year I may be a millionaire!
Tallyho!!!!!!................Over and Out!
I have to agree I prefer the picture on the Denon 1940 to the PS3, the pictures are brighter and IMO more natural. Tallyho, Im curious what make of display you compared the Denon and PS3 on?