Sony PS3 60GB


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Are Sony really discontinuing the 60GB PS3? I can't see the sense in this, having two models at different price points can't be that hard to manage. If this is true, I will buy a 60GB this week. Or is it that they may be bringing out a higher spec machine shortly to put a greater distance between it and the 40GB unit (ie an 80GB+ model, or some other new feature?), I don't want to panic buy the 60GB just for it to be improved!
Yep, the 60GB is on its way out - we've heard rumours of an 80GB but nothing solid. I expect the next big games show/CES in January will see an announcement, along with exact news of the TV-tuner add-on to make it a PVR.
Thank you Clare for quick response. On balance i'll hang on and wait until the new year.
For goodness sake Sony, if you can get an iPod with 160Gb then this paltry storage capacity is really shameful. Why don't they stick a half terrabyte (500Gb) in it and turn it into a true home hub and have done with it. With PVR functionality here for the PS3, they really need to grip the yardstick and stick it to the opposition. they're getting enough grief with proprietary technologies and traditional Sony greediness that they could do with a world beating sock it to em champion product!
You can replace the hard drive on the PS3 and get a massive one if you wish.

The 40gb machine is also not wifi, has 2 usb ports instead of 4 and does not have the multiple memory card inputs.

My advice is to get the 60gb one and buy a bigger HD as and when required.
Is there a limit to the size of a bigger HD you could put in - e.g. does the 'firmware' limit this ?

Firstly the 40gb ps3 does have wifi.There is a limit but not due to fireware its just the internal SATA hd go up to 250gb/300gb currently as far as i know but u can use 500gb externally if you want.
They also removed the partial backward compatibility with the PS2 titles (Sony say this will save them on emulation licences) , if you are not bothered by this, nor need to use the PS3 as a card reader for Memory Stick, SD,MMC or CF then you can save yourself £50 and get the £299 model
Thanks for the advice... looks like a 250GB drive is available for a reasonable price.. a 60GB PS3 and new hard drive upgrade here we come...there are some good websites with instructions/advice via 'google' ..Thanks
When you get the PS3 the manual advises you how to swapy the HDD too
Got the PS3 this afternooon... the manual does advise - great - ordered a replacement 250GB HD - should be here by end this week.
Connected it to internet via wireless and upgraded the software. The PS3 picture looks pretty good with SD DVD's upscaled to 1080P..will get a blueray DVD and test this out later in the week..(will my Panny TH-50PX accept the 1080P 24FPS... will find out soon..).
Welcome to the PS3 brigade, comrade!

The PS3 is a seriously good bit of kit and you will have no end of fun discovering just what it can do.
Would like to surprise my kids with a PS3 -I really like the Denon DVD 1940 for Upscaling -Now the PS3 will Upscale to 720p and 1081i as well won't it-Can't remember now.
The PS3 upscales up to 1080p, and very nice the picture looks too.....I played my first 'blu-ray' DVD in the PS3 today - it looked great!!. See the (long) thread 'panasonic 24fps customers need to know ' on the TV forum..(start from the end..)
You can't buy these for love nor money right now at £349.95.....All the big named shops have run out of stock. You can buy on Amazon but for around £430.00 as the many of the 'crooks' have put their prices up as a result of the Gold Rush!
I got mine earlier this week from that well known audio-visual centre 'Toys R Us' , customer service was pretty poor , but they had stock and we had loads of gift vouchers (given to the kids). Check it out... got 2 free games as well for £349.99.
Pre-Christmas madness. Its the gaming side of things. Even the Nintendo Wii is going for over £300. If you don't need it for the children or need the 60GB version, it may be better to wait.
Just hunted down a large retail chain that actually has a few of the 60gb version in Stock.

My kids have been plaguing me for one of these before they well and truly become distinct. OK Sony are bringing an 80gb version out next year sometime to include a PVR but not a big problem.

My kids are all 'old' teenagers and the thing is If I pick up one of these things don't think I will be able to keep it from them until Christmas day, besides I will also need to use for Upscaling DVD's and the occasional Blu ray perhaps.

The shop I can get this from has them at £349.95 plus a controller. They also have the 60gb Bundle it's in the car and off 5 miles down the road I guess..............after all it is for my kids and I suppose the good thing about the PS3 is that it's something that all the family can use.....

HMV, Currys, Comet, Dixons, Virgin Megastores, Woolworths are all sold out now and apparently said they won;t be getting anymore in which is why I'm somewhat very suprised to note that this particular store has about a handful left and it's just down the road from me-What a stroke of luck!
Was all set to jump in the Car and go and get the PS3 60GB this afternoon, but first told the kids of my plans also mentioning that Sony are going to bring out an 80GB (Playstation 4) probably somethime toward the end of next year/year after to include a PVR. However, the vote was to wait until the 80GB version hits the street also in the hope it will be major improvement on both the current 40 and 60GB versions, which it probably will anyway
Sony have stated quite clearly that there is no intention of bringing out a PS4 for the next 10 years as they see the PS3 as future proofed. They are really hot currently on the idea of using the PS3 as a TV tuner and PVR and are launching a peripheral to enable this. It seems likely that the new larger HDD PS3 will be identical to the smaller HDD versions apart from possibly incorporating these TV tuner technologies.

An 80GB PS3 was released in Korea last year so it may just be this version finally coming to the PAL region. Regardless, if 80GB is the largest they are going to offer then I can't see a significant benefit. You aren't going to pack a great deal more onto it, especially if you are planning on recording HD content. A 120 - 160GB would seem a much better minimum size. Besides, you can always fit a much larger 2.5" HDD yourself so waiting until next year to buy one seems like an unnecessary trial. If you don't mind lacking backwards compatibilty with the PS2 and can do without the card reader then the wise money seems to be to buy a 40GB PS3 plus a USB hub and replace the HDD with a 250GB drive.

Then you can always buy the PVR peripheral when it is released next year 🙂.
Was all set to jump in the Car and go and get the PS3 60GB this afternoon.......

IMHO I would have jumped in the car - from reading the 'blurb', the TV Tuner will be an add-on anyway...the current 60GB (except the HD size) is a 'good spec' relative to the could fit yr own (much) larger HDD in the near future... The supply of the 60GB will dry up soon..the proposed 80GB may not have the same 'higher spec 'as the current 60GB... - and/or if it does it may push the price back up ?? Not an easy call - unless anybody has any other info ??
Yep I know.................but even the kids agree if we're not interested in Blu Ray, which we're not given the terrific Upscaling attributes of the DENON DVD-1940 compared to what we all agreed was also a bit of a lacklustre performance by the PS3 too in that respect when we hassled the guy in the SONY shop to give us a 20 minutes demo of the PS3 with F1 racing, then spending £350.00 for essentially a Games Console doesn't quite make sense. The PS3 would have been more for my kids than me but if they now also don't seem that bothered...then who am I to argue?

Truly I wasn't impressed by the PS3's Blu Ray performance and I also thought the Denon DVD 1940 was better at Upscaling. An example was on Casino Royale and the recent final DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean. I actually thought the DENON surpassed both the PS3's Blu Ray and Upscaling performance of both.Besides I would rather pay £7 for a DVD than £20 for something I see as being no better when your using something like the DENON

One thing I would be interested to know is, given the soon to be discontinued PS3, what happens if it breaks down and can't be repaired as it also can't be replaced?

I'm going to gracefully bow out of this forum now.I have always spoken my mind on the issues and have called things as I've honestly seen them.I would like to leave by saying that yes.....I will agree that Pioneer make the best TV's..............But Mercedes also make the best cars in my view! However, I also believe you don't need to go that far in your quest to be entertained or satisfied and based on that premise I am the proud owner of a Samsung PS42Q97HDX and a DENON DVD-1940 which are great machines. ......and............... who knows, If I conserve my money now ...this time next year I may be a millionaire!

Tallyho!!!!!!................Over and Out!
[quote user="Tallyho"]
Yep I know.................but even the kids agree if we're not interested in Blu Ray, which we're not given the terrific Upscaling attributes of the DENON DVD-1940 compared to what we all agreed was also a bit of a lacklustre performance by the PS3 too in that respect when we hassled the guy in the SONY shop to give us a 20 minutes demo of the PS3 with F1 racing, then spending £350.00 for essentially a Games Console doesn't quite make sense. The PS3 would have been more for my kids than me but if they now also don't seem that bothered...then who am I to argue?

Truly I wasn't impressed by the PS3's Blu Ray performance and I also thought the Denon DVD 1940 was better at Upscaling. An example was on Casino Royale and the recent final DVD of Pirates of the Caribbean. I actually thought the DENON surpassed both the PS3's Blu Ray and Upscaling performance of both.Besides I would rather pay £7 for a DVD than £20 for something I see as being no better when your using something like the DENON

One thing I would be interested to know is, given the soon to be discontinued PS3, what happens if it breaks down and can't be repaired as it also can't be replaced?

I'm going to gracefully bow out of this forum now.I have always spoken my mind on the issues and have called things as I've honestly seen them.I would like to leave by saying that yes.....I will agree that Pioneer make the best TV's..............But Mercedes also make the best cars in my view! However, I also believe you don't need to go that far in your quest to be entertained or satisfied and based on that premise I am the proud owner of a Samsung PS42Q97HDX and a DENON DVD-1940 which are great machines. ......and............... who knows, If I conserve my money now ...this time next year I may be a millionaire!

Tallyho!!!!!!................Over and Out!


I have to agree I prefer the picture on the Denon 1940 to the PS3, the pictures are brighter and IMO more natural. Tallyho, Im curious what make of display you compared the Denon and PS3 on?
I really struggled to get Ratchet and Clank to play on my DVD player though 😉


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