Interesting thread! I'm thinking I would like to dip my toe in the SACD pond - but where do you guys all get your discs from?
I have looked on the usual suspects (Amazon, Play etc), and maybe I'm being tight, but the prices seem a little high for the more mainstream stuff I would buy; E.g. Snow Patrol FInal Straw £39.50, MJ Thriller £59.99, Jamie Cullum Twenty Something £29.99, Genesis 1983-1998 £99.00 (ok, a multi disc set I know but...)
I don't mind paying £15-£20 for the increased sound quality, but these prices seem a little steep. And I know I will probably get flamed as some sort of heathen for this, but after looking through almost 1,000 SACD albums on Play (about 30 pages worth) I can firmly say I only recognised about 95% of them (probably because I'm not very up on classical music).
Anyway, can someone point me in the direction of a better site (if there is one)?
And can someone suggest a) a general interest classical music SACD (i.e. one with the more commonly known tracks on) b) a good mainstream acoustic "various artists" album - both to really show off the format and test it on my system?
The reason they are so expensive is because they had a limited production run due to SACD's short timeframe or limited application to mainstream (non-classical) music. People bought them to make a profit, or ae taking advantage of low supply and relatively high demand.
Please try linn records samplers - a snip at £5 each. There are 4 of them. You can get from linn themselves.
Also try, although a lot more expensive, Blue Coast Records. Probably the best non-classical acoustic recording I have ever heard.