drummerman said:
Would also like to see a before/after of a record cleaning machine.
local second-hand record shop (I used it until I gave up vinyl a couple of years ago) has a twin deck Keith Monks cleaner (regularly replenished and maintained by KM themselves as they are local too).
I always had any purchases cleaned before leaving the shop (£2 an LP at the time with a brand new anti-stat sleeve thrown in).
I also used to take in any brand new LPs to have them cleaned before playing them.
The main difference was that I never experienced any static from the cleaned LPs. (Even after many plays.) In terms of appearance I would get rainbow colour reflections off the surfaces when moving the LP around near a light or a window. Before cleaning this rarely happened and the LP would look dull (even new ones).
I don't know about 'before and after' affects on sound quality because I never played a record until it had been cleaned.
The (very) few records that had any unwanted noises after cleaning were taken back. I didn't tolerate pops or clicks.