Well I finally got mine home today. At the moment I'm playing it through 30 year old AR speakers. Bearing in mind the age and original price of the speakers, the sound is really good. I will also be trying it out through my B&W 685s over the weekend but very nice sound so far. I know it can do a lot better. We played it through Maggie 12s in the shop and the resulting sound is really good, Probably what I'm looking for. Two problems, firstly a little above budget, but in for a penny I suppose. Second problem, they are quite imposing in the room I want to use them in.
I also listened to the Sonus Faber 1.5s and just didn't like them. My ARs sound better to my ears. Then ran out of time.
I will have more time to play with the amp over the weekend, and obviously it needs to be used a little more, but very happy with it so far.