Rega Brio


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Jun 18, 2016
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Having lost all my HiFi setup in a house fire, and having lost the whole house as well, we are now renting until the house is being re-built. So started to get my bits together, "Marantz 6006" Cd player, "Q Acoustics Concept 40" speakers and the "Rega Brio" Amp, what I would like to know is that this amp has no adjustment for balance or treble/bass, why is this and what do I need to buy? Thankyou Nos


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Nos said:
Having lost all my HiFi setup in a house fire, and having lost the whole house as well, we are now renting until the house is being re-built. So started to get my bits together, "Marantz 6006" Cd player, "Q  Acoustics Concept 40" speakers and the "Rega Brio" Amp, what I would like to know is that this amp has no adjustment for  balance or treble/bass, why is this and what do I need to buy? Thankyou Nos  
Sorry to hear this.

A preamp could sort this issue out. Unfortunately at the cost you might as well look to replace the amp.


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I liked the way you managed to make losing the house sound incidental to losing the Hi-Fi.

Glad you're around to tell the story.

It's not unusual for amps not to have tone controls and do YOU actually need a balance control?

(The theory behind not fitting tone controls is the reason the Marantz amp (that matches your player) has a 'source direct' button - in your Brio the source is always direct - the signal does not need to pass through the additional controls / components / circuitry necessary for tone control, which avoids any compromise to its purity)


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Jun 18, 2016
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Yes the fire was traumatic as we inside at the time and was unware our house was burning down, it was a new house that I had built the fire started by a faulty generator in the unfinished portion, I could have grabbed my HiFi gear but I would have had to leave the wife, tough choice I know. Back to the question I dont really need to adjust the balence but would like to control the bass/treble, would a graphic equalizer help? are they still around? sorry Iam a bit old school my last amp NAD 3240pe was 30+yrs old Thanks Nos


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That sounds really scary! Glad you all made it out.

Graphic equaliser could work. Have you tried playing with speakers positioning? Toe-in will affect treble and distance to walls will affect the bass.


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Jun 18, 2016
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Thanks for your comments, I have aready bought the system, as Iam a bit of a dinosaur with modern HiFi I just assumed that the amp had these functions, as they all did in days of old, will look at a GE. According to some websites, I should have spent more money on my system, I agree but life is a balance, Iam happy with it but I think a GE could improve it, again after a fair bit of looking at comments they seems to be a split the No corner as they belive that a short direct route for the signal is best, I can understand that, and then the Yes corner, their argument is that no two rooms are the same, we all listen to differant music and we all hear things slightly differant, so to get as near as perfect sound for each of us, a little bit of adjustment is not a bad thing, so any recommendations? Budget £200/400. Nos


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Nos - whilst I appreciate your personal need to adjust the bass/treble, why don't you set up your new gear and see how that goes for the next month or so. Try it without knobs! you may well change your perspective.

15 years ago I went from a Technics amp with balance, treble & bass controls to a Rega Brio amp with just the input selector and volume control. These days it doesn't even enter my mind to consider adjusting the sound. Try it for a while, see how you get on. *smile*


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Honestly, you've just escasped a fire, you and your wife could have died and you're worried about how you're HI-FI sounds, but what gets me is others are giving you advice, GOODBYE.


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Jun 18, 2016
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gregory said:
Honestly, you've just escasped a fire, you and your wife could have died and you're worried about how you're HI-FI sounds, but what gets me is others are giving you advice, GOODBYE.

Well thats not the sort of answer I was looking for, with regards you dont know anything about me, or how I react to life and circumstances, I have worked for over twenty years in the front line of emergency services, I have seen everything good and bad about people, your comments are un-warrantied and not helpful, for your information the house was destroyed on the 15th of Febuary, we have lived in four houses since, we now have a brand new house to live in until ours has been rebuild, which will take a year. Two years ago our son died of cancer, he was 33, he left two daughters, one of which we have never seen, bad DiL, another story, so we are finally getting our life back on track and starting to do what we like, a main part which is listening to music, in future may I suggest that you wait until you have all the facts before condeming people. Nos
jonathanRD said:
Nos - whilst I appreciate your personal need to adjust the bass/treble, why don't you set up your new gear and see how that goes for the next month or so. Try it without knobs! you may well change your perspective.

15 years ago I went from a Technics amp with balance, treble & bass controls to a Rega Brio amp with just the input selector and volume control. These days it doesn't even enter my mind to consider adjusting the sound. Try it for a while, see how you get on. *smile*
I agree with Jonathan. There's a lot that moving stuff around can achieve once you are familiar with it, if necessary. Then your return to another home! And it's a fine system.

Going back decades, most people got fed up with GEs, and they soon fell out of fashion.


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Ok, I'll present this as an alternative. As graphic equaliser is a very old fashioned device and since it's doing it's job in an analogue domain will effectively be degrading the signal.

I'd suggest looking at something like Minidsp 2x4 and ideally 2x4 HD. These will allow you to correct for the room and suit the sound to your taste should you want. However to make the best use out of them you will require a measurement mic.


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If you want to keep it simple there are plenty of hi-fi brand equalisers on ebay for £100 or less, pick a nice one and give it a go.

Avoid the pro or semi-pro models as they are unlikely to have phono type plugs so you will need custom cables, not that big an issue but decent cheap phonos are easy to find so keep it simple.

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Not sure if this is an option for you but instead of adding yet another box would it be possible to return the Rega and just get a Marantz? All the Marantz PM6/7/8 series of amps have what you require.


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Thanks I will take your advice and leave well alone, I know that it will take time for them to bed in, just had a nice talk to "Soundtech" importers for "Dbx" their advice was to not bother and leave it as it is, the mix of Home HiFi with some commercial kit will not really work, its my mistake I should have understood the specs of the Rega better, who says the older you get, the wiser you get!!. Apart from one of you! Thankyou


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Jun 18, 2016
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Thanks I will take your advice and leave well alone, I know that it will take time for them to bed in, just had a nice talk to "Soundtech" importers for "Dbx" their advice was to not bother and leave it as it is, the mix of Home HiFi with some commercial kit will not really work, its my mistake I should have understood the specs of the Rega better, who says the older you get, the wiser you get!!. Apart from one of you! Thankyou


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Sounds to me like a match I would enjoy, the combination of the musically engaging Brio amp with the balanced (slightly laid back as opposed to lively) and high sensitivity Concept 40 speakers, should give you years of pleasure. Very nice!

Please come back at some point and let us know how you get on.


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Nos said:
gregory said:
Honestly, you've just escasped a fire, you and your wife could have died and you're worried about how you're HI-FI sounds, but what gets me is others are giving you advice, GOODBYE.

Well thats not the sort of answer I was looking for, with regards you dont know anything about me, or how I react to life and circumstances, I have worked for over twenty years in the front line of emergency services, I have seen everything good and bad about people, your comments are un-warrantied and not helpful, for your information the house was destroyed on the 15th of Febuary, we have lived in four houses since, we now have a brand new house to live in until ours has been rebuild, which will take a year. Two years ago our son died of cancer, he was 33, he left two daughters, one of which we have never seen, bad DiL, another story, so we are finally getting our life back on track and starting to do what we like, a main part which is listening to music, in future may I suggest that you wait until you have all the facts before condeming people. Nos
I salute you, working for the emergency services is a thankless task, i have nothing more to say on the matter.


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Aug 28, 2015
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into hifi. I have a setup of the concept 40's with a bluesound powernode. And I like it a lot. I've never had the need to adjust bass and treble controls in powernode. But I do have excessive bass sometimes because of my small room.

Since you already have the rega amp and a marantz cd player. In case you are looking for streaming options in the future, then most of the modern streamers come with tone controls , and you can change them from your seating position, via the app, till it sounds perfect to you. The bluesound node has this. And I suspect that even the Yamaha wxc-50 has it. Though IAM not too sure about the Yamaha. And both have very convenient control apps. So maybe something to consider in the future. Cheers...:)


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Jun 18, 2016
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Thanks for your replies, I will keep you informed but I do feel a little out of my depth with the amount of kit and knowledge some of you have, what is streaming? and what benefit does it bring? in simple terms please. Nos


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gasolin said:
Streaming lot's of music you can hear from spotify and tidal hifi (losless) i use it alot (tidal) on price every month (2 cheap cd's) or your computer, you often can use your phone as a remote control for streaming.

No bass,treble control.

No need for that when the amp sounds good, then you try to find speaker that match what lot's of bass or an open clear sound often from small speaker from uk and italy, personally i feel it's nice to hear the different sound quality and mixes where edm has alot of heavy bas, some rock music may be loud and agressive, and eva cassidy's live at the blues alley and paul simons graceland (25 edition) sounds just wonderful, no need alway to keep bass loud all the time let alone adjust bass,treblefor every new record you listen to.

When the recordings are good than there is wonderfull differences that i like to experince and genre,rock,pop,heavy metal,jazz,blues,disco) once in while you do find a record old or new that just sound amazing, deep dynamic non bloated bass, clear detailed midrange and a soft non agressive,fattigue top with just the right level to hear all the fine details where you never want to eq the sound with anything else than the volume knob

Agree 100% - well said


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Streaming lot's of music you can hear from spotify and tidal hifi (losless) i use it alot (tidal) only a small price every month (2 cheap cd's) or your computer, you often can use your phone as a remote control for streaming.

No bass,treble control.

No need for that when the amp sounds good, then you try to find speaker that match what you like, lot's of bass or an open clear sound often from small speaker from uk and italy, personally i feel it's nice to hear the different sound quality and mixes where edm has alot of heavy bas, some rock music may be loud and agressive, and eva cassidy's live at the blues alley and paul simons graceland (25 edition) sounds just wonderful, no need alway to keep bass loud all the time let alone adjust bass,treblefor every new record you listen to.

When the recordings are good than there is wonderfull differences that i like to experince and genre,rock,pop,heavy metal,jazz,blues,disco) once in while you do find a record old or new that just sound amazing, deep dynamic non bloated bass, clear detailed midrange and a soft non agressive,fattigue top with just the right level to hear all the fine details where you never want to eq the sound with anything else than the volume knob


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you get the point even when i forgot a word or to

Get a god dynamic amp, try to match it with speaker you like (bass,clear open or what you prefer)

I's nice to listen to alot of different genre and sound qualitys and experience the few times where you find a new record to add to your favorit list with above avarage both in performance and sound quality


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Jan 27, 2011
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Nos said:
Thanks for your replies, I will keep you informed but I do feel a little out of my depth with the amount of kit and knowledge some of you have, what is streaming? and what benefit does it bring? in simple terms please. Nos

In simple terms, streaming is receiving and playing music from the internet. If you watch a video from Youtube, that's streaming too.

Spotify and Tidal are two examples of music streaming services. The benefit is that you have access to millions of songs, thousands of artists across multiple genres. There are genre and mood specific playlists, and based on your listening history, some produce playlists based on that too. In most cases you have to pay a monthly fee, but for that you get this massive range of music to explore.

You can stream music via your computer, but also using a dedicated hifi streamer, and you can use a smart phone or tablet as a controller. There are multiple options to stream, but the above is intended as a basic introduction.


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