I've just read your original post Rick and the bit I've quoted really stood out to me.Right now, so hear it, I have to turn it up to louder than I like (enough that you'd have to raise your voice when talking).
Loud enough that you need to raise your voice.....when TALKING 🤔
That's not loud. As far as I'm concerned, that's not really loud enough to hear the best that any speakers can do.
I'm attached to neighbours, although I've deliberately kept the hi-fi physically as far from them as I can. The point is, I don't play excessively loud, but no way is talking possible at my normal listening level - I wouldn't dream of judging the performance of my speakers at a level that would allow normal talking in the same room.
(I probably wouldn't own a hi-fi if it could never go louder than that).
I hope you achieve what you're after, but I have to say that I'm not surprised you've found higher volume necessary up to now 👍