Vladimir said:
MeanandGreen said:
There are a lot of people who want to know how and why things work and that is a good thing. I do believe personally that when you know how some things work (such as bi wire) that there is no way your brain would hear an improvement, because it would already be biased from the start.
I just experimented scientifically with single and bi-wiring by pluging in and out in and out in and out, while listening to this song. I think I may need to buy more cables as well. I'm starting to hear a difference. And I actually have a BA in Sociology, go figure!
I always heard a difference when I knew I was changing things...Later, shorter in pocket, listening when I had no clue there was a change, I heard nothing.
Anyone can say they can hear the difference when they swap a cable. I doubt one percent of one percent of one percent of those changes has actually changed the audible sound.
Why subjective testing of things that are objectively testable, are meaningless and entirely "unscientific"
To the OP, if you are still reading...This is a good forum. And these days, in many ways it is better because of the lack of moderation.
But if you post things that are testable, scientifically, and then foward some spurious Appeal to authority fallacy about you being a scientist "so my entirely unscientific test methods must be valid" BS, then you'll get a response from people who know better.
It's not "rude" per se, but can come across that way if you're new...
You should stick around, and you should endeavour to test your findings blind and maybe document them...
In the end, it's all about the music, and the Hi Fi bit of the site is what most here are interested in. High Fidelity. It's great to get great sound, and it's also great to try to put to bed the nonsense tweaks and tricks that do nothing other than line the pockets of Conmen.
Homeopathy, Ghosts, Raiki, Biwiring, Expensive cables of all sorts...all belong in the "We sussed your BS!" bin.