Philips 55PFL8008 or something else? Confused.

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Gamemaker said:
Panasonic or even Samsung Plasma are not cut out for long term gaming.The Risks posed is not worth the undertaking till there is a manufacturers' pledge to say otherwise. With Playstation 4 and Xbox 1 coming there is only one practical TV choice.

The Samsung F8000 is the best value LED out there now. Can't believe how cheap it is getting especially outside London prices,depreciating the fastest in the top 55 inches of TVs,but then the F8500 is the new LED poster boy.

On price the F8000 is the best bang per buck TV and a five star TV at that *****

I have to agree with you...with a heavy heart.

There is no denying that the VT and ZT series of plasma tvs are amongst the best ever produced and for sheer picture quality they are exceptional but as a regular gaming tv I remain wholy unconvinced and as you say, the risks posed simply don't warrant a purchase as I've been through all that before and therefore I am sticking with LED simply because I feel it will suit my needs far better than any plasma could.

As I said before if I wasn't a gamer I would have bought the 55VT65 already as it was so impressive when I auditioned it and indeed if you don't intend to use one for gaming I would recommend the VT65 without question but for me I think it's a non starter unfortunately. My PS4 is going to be preordered once I've bought my TV so gaming will remain a regular feature for any TV I buy so that must be considered.

The F8500 is essentially exactly the same tv but with the same gunmetal grey finish as the plasma version with that strange stand, I can't see anything in the specs of the F8500 LED that would make me choose it over the F8000 that's for sure...unless the screen used is superior to the F8000??

I have yet to see a review of the F8500 as well but I have seen favourable ones for the plasma version so perhaps I will add it to my list for tomorrow to demo, that list is quite large now so it may take all day to get to see them all. I need to locate somewhere I can view the Philips too before tomorrow as that set remains high on my list.
Did you read this review on the Philips, Oldboy:
gel said:
Did you read this review on the Philips, Oldboy:

This might put Oldboy off though...

"Gaming performance is probably not acceptable for discerning gamers but for mixed console use it is more than adequate."
Pindi said:
gel said:
Did you read this review on the Philips, Oldboy:

This might put Oldboy off though...

"Gaming performance is probably not acceptable for discerning gamers but for mixed console use it is more than adequate."

Yep, and some more reported picture issues.
gel said:
Pindi said:
gel said:
Did you read this review on the Philips, Oldboy:

This might put Oldboy off though...

"Gaming performance is probably not acceptable for discerning gamers but for mixed console use it is more than adequate."

Yep, and some more reported picture issues.

Nope input lag can be reduced to the level of my HX853 by simply renaming the Game input as PC, it then measures 41ms which is in line with almost every LED tv out there.

More reported picture issues eh to elaborate?
bigboss said:
Oldboy said:
More reported picture issues eh to elaborate?

I think he means issues with bleeding and dark colours as commented in that article.

Ooops I must have missed that 😳 even worse I got my info incorrect too...long day looking at tvs and absorbing info to blame i'm afraid. The info I put up about renaming the input applies to the Samsung F8000 doh! :doh:

Hmmm a thorough read of that article instead of a scan has really put me off that tv, the bleeding is awful and the issues with colours unacceptable and after what I saw today that only serves to rule this one out i'm afraid. It's very difficult to even see the 8008 in action in my area too and I tried numerous Euronics stores but none had the 55 inch on display, oh well doesn't look like I missed much.
So i'm here to report back on what I saw today when I got to see every tv on my list for myself apart from the elusive Philips 8008 so here goes...

Now please don't knock me but I started at Currys (yes I know but I have no intention of buying from them) and they did indeed have all the tvs on show BUT...the lighting was terrible and very harsh, seriously it was brighter than outside and even worse was the fact that all the tvs were displayed at knee height for some unknown reason. Anyway it became clear that in that environment that two tvs were clearly the best, the Samsung UE55F8000 and the Sony 55W905, the salesman was actually quite good (for Currys) and knew his stuff but was really trying to push the triluminous tech in the Sony as being the best thing since sliced bread which is very debateable indeed.

There were places where the triluminous worked but all too often it looked overblown and false and as many reviews have pointed to blue was the real problem and it was very telling that the demo showed very little blue at all infact just one scene! The rest of the demo was made up of reds, faces, paint pots...anything to not show a blue sky. Anyway I got the remote and had a good look through the menus and switched picture modes etc and looked at some freeview but blues were still an issue for me and skies at Wimbeldon were just false but other than that the PQ was impressive however the off axis issue was apparant and is a big minus point for this tv.

The Samsung seemed much better in terms of off axis viewing and didn't seem to suffer until you got to ridiculous levels of off axis but as the lighting was so useless and the salesman so pro Sony I made a Sharp exit and headed to John Lewis with many questions needing to be answered.

I have to say John Lewis had far superior lighting and know how to display a premium TV, the Samsung 55F8000 and Sony W905 were wall mounted and next to each other with soft non directional lighting...arrggghhh very nice. It was far easier to get an idea of how the tvs on my list would perform in a normal home environment but of course keeping in mind that they were all set up for shop purposes and that as nice as the lighting was it was still a shop and will be slightly brighter than most homes but at least the store had natural light coming in as well unlike Currys.

I got to see the Samsung F8000 and 7000 the Sony W905 and 805 in John Lewis and I have to report that the 805 is a non starter right away as it just doesn't measure up as the blacks are more like greys in general and when compared to the 905 it lacks punch, detail, insight and colour (it just looked washed out) and is a real disappointment after the excellent HX853 series of last year so avoid this one is my advice.

Now the Samsung F7000 was quite different in that it didn't let the side down as much but it was clear this tv isn't quite up to the standard of the 8000 as it lacked a bit of insight and depth to blacks, a bit of punch in the contrast and that last level of detail and smooth motion that is so alluring on the 8000. It was clear that no matter how many other sets I looked at including the equivalent LG models that there was only ever going to be two contenders for my money and it was the same two tvs.

I have to give a big shout out to John Lewis whos salesman was laid back, quite knowledgable and not at all pushy, he was more than happy to give me the remotes and let me delve into both tvs and take my time which is rare on a busy saturday or anyday for that matter. There is no doubt that despite the performance of the W905 that viewing angle would be an issue in my living room, it's too tight and unless I sat in the middle of the sofa and went without my precious recliner positions at each end of the sofa I wouldn't hit the sweet spot for the tvs picture. No matter how good the picture undeniably is that is a real issue and has cost it dearly with me but what should be said is that if your seating position can accomodate it then the Sony W905 is an impressive tv.

I think you can guess what's coming next but the Samsung 55F8000 came out as the clear winner today oh and one thing I forgot to say was that I noticed a bit of a shadow effect on the left and right hand of the screen on the W905 which seemed backlight related, only about 1cm or so but clearly there. The Samsung scores high for backlight uniformity with absolutely no sign of bleed or the tourch effect from last year, no signs of DSE, high levels of punchy contrast next to deep inky blacks and sky high detail levels next to believable colours and skin tones even in shop mode and of course you get all that smart content and a bezel that might as well not be there and although I couldn't care less about styling it is an alluring tv if design is your main concern.

It didn't matter what I looked at today I kept coming back to the Samsung F8000 and next week or at the latest the week after that baby will be mine and thanks to gel I will be getting it for £1856 and then claiming back my £200 from Samsung making it just £1656 in total which seems like a total bargain to me. Yes Sony are throwing in an Experia Z phone and bluray player for free but it's the tv that concerns me most and how that performs and for my needs I just can't see past the F8000 so it's my tv of choice so the decision has been made and the HX853 sold so no going back now.

Will report back when I get it (unless I change my mind of course) but it just goes to show how important auditioning before you buy is because no matter how much valuable research you do on the internet there is no substitute for seeing them in the flesh and with a 5 year warranty and John Lewis as my retailer I feel confident any potential issues would be addressed quickly with minimal hassle.

A valuable day out and worth the trip to search out John Lewis...can't wait to get it now :dance:
Oldboy, the Samsung is limited stock now at Total Digital:

If you want it, I would buy now at John Lewis.
bigboss said:
Oldboy said:
More reported picture issues eh to elaborate?

I think he means issues with bleeding and dark colours as commented in that article.

gel said:
Oldboy, the Samsung is limited stock now at Total Digital:

If you want it, I would buy now at John Lewis.

I got the email stating that the £1856 price is valid for 28 days can I not use that in store? There is no way I can afford it until next weekend so I guess I will just have to hope the offer is still valid then so fingers crossed, if not I will have to wait until either the price drops again or I can get the money together to pay full price :doh:
Oldboy said:
gel said:
Oldboy, the Samsung is limited stock now at Total Digital:

If you want it, I would buy now at John Lewis.

I got the email stating that the £1856 price is valid for 28 days can I not use that in store? There is no way I can afford it until next weekend so I guess I will just have to hope the offer is still valid then so fingers crossed, if not I will have to wait until either the price drops again or I can get the money together to pay full price :doh:

That is fine mate, didn't realise it was valid for 28 days!
Oldboy said:
gel said:
Oldboy, the Samsung is limited stock now at Total Digital:

If you want it, I would buy now at John Lewis.

I got the email stating that the £1856 price is valid for 28 days can I not use that in store? There is no way I can afford it until next weekend so I guess I will just have to hope the offer is still valid then so fingers crossed, if not I will have to wait until either the price drops again or I can get the money together to pay full price :doh:

You don't have to go in-store, you can place the order online or on the number provided in that price match email. If you buy online, simply email them the order number & they'll refund the difference.
Thanks to both of you for the advice, much appreciated, thank you.

I phoned John Lewis a little while ago and it didn't go well...they had no record of the offer, the reference number given in the email to me, my email address or any of my details and as such were unable to help me despite me ringing the number given to me in the email. Not a good start to my shopping experience with John Lewis at all!

All I want to do is to be able to buy the tv at the agreed £1856 price and not have to pay the full £2,499 before getting a refund as money is a bit tight and I only have £1900 to play with right now, as I understand it if I place my order online that is exactly what I have to do and I don't have the funds to cover the full price which is why I rang them today to see if that's what I could do via telephone but they could offer no help at all.

I have fired off an email to them to complain about the lack of any customer service via the phone and why I couldn't get any assistance and also why no trace of myself or the offer appears on their system but at this rate I will simply go to Richer Sounds and forget about getting the tv at John Lewis at all because up to now their claims of exceptional customer service don't seem to add up.

I will await a reply from them via email and give them the chance to put things right but it certainly doesn't leave a good first impression does it?

If the offer is still valid at Total Digital come the weekend I will order in store as it's far easier and quicker, I was told it would take 2 working days for the tv to arrive at the store for me to collect or 1 - 2 weeks for delivery to my home address so I would much prefer to get the tv sooner for the sake of a few trips to the store.
Oldboy said:
Thanks to both of you for the advice, much appreciated, thank you.

I phoned John Lewis a little while ago and it didn't go well...they had no record of the offer, the reference number given in the email to me, my email address or any of my details and as such were unable to help me despite me ringing the number given to me in the email. Not a good start to my shopping experience with John Lewis at all!

All I want to do is to be able to buy the tv at the agreed £1856 price and not have to pay the full £2,499 before getting a refund as money is a bit tight and I only have £1900 to play with right now, as I understand it if I place my order online that is exactly what I have to do and I don't have the funds to cover the full price which is why I rang them today to see if that's what I could do via telephone but they could offer no help at all.

I have fired off an email to them to complain about the lack of any customer service via the phone and why I couldn't get any assistance and also why no trace of myself or the offer appears on their system but at this rate I will simply go to Richer Sounds and forget about getting the tv at John Lewis at all because up to now their claims of exceptional customer service don't seem to add up.

I will await a reply from them via email and give them the chance to put things right but it certainly doesn't leave a good first impression does it?

If the offer is still valid at Total Digital come the weekend I will order in store as it's far easier and quicker, I was told it would take 2 working days for the tv to arrive at the store for me to collect or 1 - 2 weeks for delivery to my home address so I would much prefer to get the tv sooner for the sake of a few trips to the store.

Just take the email in-store mate.
Or send them a copy of the email and say you want to go ahead with the deal.
Oldboy said:
Thanks to both of you for the advice, much appreciated, thank you.

I phoned John Lewis a little while ago and it didn't go well...they had no record of the offer, the reference number given in the email to me, my email address or any of my details and as such were unable to help me despite me ringing the number given to me in the email. Not a good start to my shopping experience with John Lewis at all!

All I want to do is to be able to buy the tv at the agreed £1856 price and not have to pay the full £2,499 before getting a refund as money is a bit tight and I only have £1900 to play with right now, as I understand it if I place my order online that is exactly what I have to do and I don't have the funds to cover the full price which is why I rang them today to see if that's what I could do via telephone but they could offer no help at all.

I have fired off an email to them to complain about the lack of any customer service via the phone and why I couldn't get any assistance and also why no trace of myself or the offer appears on their system but at this rate I will simply go to Richer Sounds and forget about getting the tv at John Lewis at all because up to now their claims of exceptional customer service don't seem to add up.

I will await a reply from them via email and give them the chance to put things right but it certainly doesn't leave a good first impression does it?

If the offer is still valid at Total Digital come the weekend I will order in store as it's far easier and quicker, I was told it would take 2 working days for the tv to arrive at the store for me to collect or 1 - 2 weeks for delivery to my home address so I would much prefer to get the tv sooner for the sake of a few trips to the store.

Richer Sounds will only price match on a 5 year warranty mate. Stick with John Lewis you managed that price match on a one year warranty.
gel said:
Oldboy said:
Thanks to both of you for the advice, much appreciated, thank you.

I phoned John Lewis a little while ago and it didn't go well...they had no record of the offer, the reference number given in the email to me, my email address or any of my details and as such were unable to help me despite me ringing the number given to me in the email. Not a good start to my shopping experience with John Lewis at all!

All I want to do is to be able to buy the tv at the agreed £1856 price and not have to pay the full £2,499 before getting a refund as money is a bit tight and I only have £1900 to play with right now, as I understand it if I place my order online that is exactly what I have to do and I don't have the funds to cover the full price which is why I rang them today to see if that's what I could do via telephone but they could offer no help at all.

I have fired off an email to them to complain about the lack of any customer service via the phone and why I couldn't get any assistance and also why no trace of myself or the offer appears on their system but at this rate I will simply go to Richer Sounds and forget about getting the tv at John Lewis at all because up to now their claims of exceptional customer service don't seem to add up.

I will await a reply from them via email and give them the chance to put things right but it certainly doesn't leave a good first impression does it?

If the offer is still valid at Total Digital come the weekend I will order in store as it's far easier and quicker, I was told it would take 2 working days for the tv to arrive at the store for me to collect or 1 - 2 weeks for delivery to my home address so I would much prefer to get the tv sooner for the sake of a few trips to the store.

Just take the email in-store mate.

The email clearly states that the price match is not valid in store and only via John :?
gel said:
Or send them a copy of the email and say you want to go ahead with the deal.

I've done that with the email I sent them earlier, I included a copy of the email in that communication and will await their reply. I really want to buy from John Lewis simply because of my experience in the store this weekend which was outstanding but the price match service online has not been in any way as good as that experience so far.
bigboss said:
gel said:
Or send them a copy of the email and say you want to go ahead with the deal.


Just reply to that offer email & explain your experience, and also that you want to place the order.

That's exactly what I done with the email I sent them today so I will wait to see what sort of reply I get and take it from there but I would really like that tv asap now I have made my mind up 🙂
gel said:
Richer Sounds will only price match on a 5 year warranty mate. Stick with John Lewis you managed that price match on a one year warranty.

Ooops I forgot about that but then John Lewis have price matched the Total Digital offer with a 5 year warranty so I could use that with Richer Sounds no? I don't really want to go to them and would much rather buy from John Lewis despite the rocky start.
Oldboy said:
gel said:
Or send them a copy of the email and say you want to go ahead with the deal.

I've done that with the email I sent them earlier, I included a copy of the email in that communication and will await their reply. I really want to buy from John Lewis simply because of my experience in the store this weekend which was outstanding but the price match service online has not been in any way as good as that experience so far.

Nice one.
Oldboy said:
gel said:
Richer Sounds will only price match on a 5 year warranty mate. Stick with John Lewis you managed that price match on a one year warranty.

Ooops I forgot about that but then John Lewis have price matched the Total Digital offer with a 5 year warranty so I could use that with Richer Sounds no? I don't really want to go to them and would much rather buy from John Lewis despite the rocky start.

Richer Sounds are a lot more fussy! They will want like for like. John Lewis even price match on one year warranties - Richer Sounds don't.
gel said:
Oldboy said:
gel said:
Richer Sounds will only price match on a 5 year warranty mate. Stick with John Lewis you managed that price match on a one year warranty.

Ooops I forgot about that but then John Lewis have price matched the Total Digital offer with a 5 year warranty so I could use that with Richer Sounds no? I don't really want to go to them and would much rather buy from John Lewis despite the rocky start.

Richer Sounds are a lot more fussy! They will want like for like. John Lewis even price match on one year warranties - Richer Sounds don't.

John Lewis it is then eh! Many thanks gel 🙂


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